Wow. USPS really does blow balls.

According to their website it takes 13 hours to go from Kearney, NJ to TETERBORO, NJ. That is an 8 mile distance. 13 minute drive. I could walk that. In much much less time. Wow.

What sort of brain injury did you sustain? Was it severe? You know, the crack to your cranium that must have had you in a coma for, oh, about, forever, that you just came out of to discover that "the USPS really does blow balls."

A broken clock will be right twice a day. If the USPS could equal the same level of efficiency, all the employees would probably be given raises.

The USPS hasn't been worth squat since the two cent stamp and my Aunt Helen was the one behind the barred window in the Post Office selling the stamps and her son, my cousin, LeRoy was the new postal guy who just took over our route.

I don't know how old Aunt Helen was when she retired, but she's 103 now, so you do the general math and that's pretty much when the real, working, USPS died and things, in every way, began to blow. Their tracking system is only the cherry on top of the big banana split they have been giving us for years.
No brain injury my friend, simply naivete and inexperience.

I hardly ever used fact, beans probably account for 80% of my personal use of the USPS. Bills and letters will come when they come. But when it comes down to things ordered and waited with anticipation for, I was unaware.

As it stands though, it seems my actual beef is with ATTITUDE.
Well, guess it is all sorted out. ATTITUDE never sent my order and proceeded to give me some other persons tracking number. But fuck it.

I got a dealer now, I can wait :)
You must be canadian :lol:

Yeah usps does blow no joke there

Im getting a package from ups today and their tracking is really neat. Updates at every point and its quick. Your not waiting around wondering where your stuff is
Is there an option with ATTITUDE for faster shipping or a different carrier? I didn't see it and I thought I looked pretty hard. Then I thought to myself what guarantees my items arrival might just be the sheer volume of mail in first class with USPS. But what do I know.
Had an item shipped out on the 13th and still to this day, haven't receive the goddamn package which was sent from California.. I don't know what these fuck tards are doing at the postal service but I'm bout to go over there and whoop their postal asses!!!! Does anyone have any experience with P.O boxes, are they worth it???
all your little town names sound (look?) so silly to my southern ears (eyes?)...We all live in Ville's around these
ooohhh...and the USPS closed a lot of smaller offices in my area, and they will no longer send a package on as soon as they get it if it is the only package heading that way...they will hold things for however long ( I don't remember the exact details) I don't know if that is everywhere...

You know what sucks?...Getting sunburned...
According to their website it takes 13 hours to go from Kearney, NJ to TETERBORO, NJ. That is an 8 mile distance. 13 minute drive. I could walk that. In much much less time. Wow.

yeah ..but wouldn't ya rather just pay 35 cents and save the 16 mile walk round trip or the gallon of gas (4 dollars??