Active Member
So I come home monday from being out of town during the weekend to find that rabbits have murdered my plants. (or deer. honestly I dont give a flying fuck). Living in San Diego I can grow year round, I had planted these I believe in like August. I dont remember, but they were a really late season grow. The Platinum OG Kush only grew to be about 2 feet tall in the veg and flowering stage. about 15 nodes each. Now, back to the rabbits.. They had eaten off all of the fan leaves on the plant. Not a single one remained. The only thing left was the stem, the bud sites on the stem and all of the small trim leaves around the bud sites. WOW i thought. Rabbits fucked me over in Alaska and now their fucking me over in San Diego. But this got me thinking, I remember reading somewhere that ccuting a few fan leaves off during late flowering would help out the plant in bud growth and potency so I decided to mix up a nutrient with half of my normal flowering nutes (green light super bloom 10-55-6) and I think Half of my vegging nutes which I had stopped using several weeks back. I kind of forgot about the plants for a good 8/9 days. when I cam back. WOW. the trim leavves really bushed out. the Bud sited grew by 50% and the thc increase was dramatic. much more dramatic changed than anything I have ever seen before in such a little time. My conclusion is.. Cutting most or all of the large fan leaves off in the 4th or 5th week of flowering as long as you have quite abit of trim leaves does a great help for your yield. I guess because the budsites were getting more direct sunlight. Not only will cutting off fan leaves help with yield but also with mold. I grew up In Juneau Alaska as well as British Columbia and damn.. mold was a son of a bitch, always killing my yields. With less fan leaves, the buds can get more airflow and therefore destorying the possibility of mould. well. thats my piece. enjoy. give me your opinions and experiences. thanks.