Wow the law fucked me


Well-Known Member
You should have never accepted to carry his possessions in the first place. The law did not fuck with you, your friend did. You two should obviously be more responsible if you two are still in school and getting busted. When I was in High school, I would not come onto school property with any drugs or drug paraphernalia, its just asking for trouble, You got to have secret hiding spots for a joint here or there, there is some really ingenious hiding spots, even your car if you have one. I bet the next time somebody asks you to hold something for them you will think twice. Was this guy a good friend of yours? or somebody that would have just used you to help take some blame? Because The consequences might not be so bad, if the they found out you were holding it, but it all depends on the judge I guess.


New Member
well assuming since your still in school you're not even 18 and not supposed to be on this site. the other thing is, is that since you were at school the laws are stiffened by exposing kids to drugs... just like here in florida if your caught within 1500 ft of the school its automatically bumped up to a felony. even just for pot
Good point OP shouldn't even be on this site. This is ware the big kids hang out.


What am I doing in this thread? I went to light up a cigarette and caught myself looking around for a hall monitor.


Well-Known Member
Why is it always "someone elses" weed?

Are you old enough to be here..........ID please LOL.

You're fucked by the way....drugs on school property is a serious thing these days.
Might want mommy and daddy to get a lawyer, and pick a nice vocational school so you can still graduate. I really hope you didn't just eliminate yourself from geting federal student aid for college......I heard a few years ago that drug convictions prevent getting that. Good luck dude. I'm going to keep being a dick now....

Do you take other people's luggage at the airport too?

I've got a bag of sugar, and need to take a leak.....mind holdig that....what do you mean it's not sweet, and makes you mouth're nuts. Be right back!

The law fucked me. I wish you could see me rolling my eye's at you.....then wanting to ground you for a year for being stupid and watch my wife chasing after you with a wooden spoon. Don't sell drugs at least wait till you get home like everyone else, sheesh!


Well-Known Member
also become a gang member so you can begin your life of crime 10 toes on the ground.

do not take any advice I may give.


Active Member
Dont worry your mom and dad will probably just put you on restriction and take away your video games for a couple weeks...


New Member
Wow good to see we have a good community here. The guy was asking for advice and you jump on him like free pussy for fucking

The responses here are pretty screwed up. Just because someone is in school does not mean there under 18. Good way to jump to conculsions. I hope all you get busted then you can see how a fucked up situation it is and have someone laugh at you


Active Member
Lucky it was just a thc pill........lesson here is possesing prescription pills with no prescription is not smart.

You do know having one oxycotin is the same as having 1 gram of coke or herion in most states..........


Active Member
Thing is and I am not trying to be an asshole to you, its true the law didnt fuck you, your lack of knowledge did.

To often people get involved in activitys without ever even considering the consequences and when they get hemmed up its to late.

The internet makes ignorance a nonvalid excuse. Take this lesson into your future and research the consequences for anything your ever going to involve yourself in and then ask yourself is the risk worth the reward and are you willing to live with the consequences of your actions.

In this case you will most likely get off being your not locked up right now and you didnt mention going to jail or being out on bail so it is very possible the law did you a favor and hopefully taught you a very valuable lesson.

Good luck with your problem.


Well-Known Member
your friend gave you drugs to hold on to because there were going to be drug searches?
yeah, ummm... uhhh... ehhh... i'm just gonna go ahead and say you had that shit coming to you.

not trying to be a dick, i could give a shit less if you were 12 or 74 years old... but you gotta use your head man.

as for everyone else bitching that this is an 18+ site (although i know it's in the "rules") who gives a fuck? why does it matter to you?


Well-Known Member
Hey Time......even though you're unhappy with people's posts...wishing people get busted is very bad Karma. He's a kid who made a bad choice,and blamed soemone else. You shouldn't wish that kind of stuff on anyone. That is 10x worse than him getting his hand slapped for beign in highschool and doing what he did. What goes around comes around, that I've learned in life. I can't even believe what you said, it's beyone messed up.

You don't bring drugs to school, and if you do, and get is this getting fucked by the law?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I think anytime anyone gets severely punished because of an unjust law it is getting "fucked by the law". Still, he should have known better, especially since he explained in the first sentence that they were doing drug searches. I mean that should have been your red flag when your friend said he heard there were going to be drug searches, then immediately asks you to hold his drugs.

Were you off school property when the security guard found you? Either way you should have never listened to him. What's the punishment for telling a school security guard to go fuck himself and running away? Probably a lot less than handing over drugs to him.

Also, how did the security guard "get a heads up"? Makes no sense. Be a little more discrete, maybe don't announce your plans and secret smoking location to the security guard?


Well-Known Member
Wow good to see we have a good community here. The guy was asking for advice and you jump on him like free pussy for fucking

The responses here are pretty screwed up. Just because someone is in school does not mean there under 18. Good way to jump to conculsions. I hope all you get busted then you can see how a fucked up situation it is and have someone laugh at you
I don't think people were too harsh here. Its called tough love. He asked for advice he got it. Don't bring the shit to school. A lot of good advice was given. Now you are hoping the other people in this community get busted? Seriously? Is that right? No not at all.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to smoke in school, it's no one's fault but your own if you get caught. Personally I don't even understand how they got caught, but if you get caught, how can you admit you knew there was a search, admit to holding your friend's weed and then come on the forum saying you were 'fucked by the law'. Not even in a 'funny story' kind of way, but in an 'I am a victim' kind of way. We're not trying to be mean or the sake of malice. I genuinely do not understand what on earth the OP thinks he's doing. Really. Not trying to be cynical, I just don't get it.


New Member
I don't think people were too harsh here. Its called tough love. He asked for advice he got it. Don't bring the shit to school. A lot of good advice was given. Now you are hoping the other people in this community get busted? Seriously? Is that right? No not at all.

Yes seriously. Got beef bro?