wow tap water around 350-370 ppm

wow got a tds meter and just measured my tap water its fluctuating between 7and 8 ph with fuckin the ppm at around 360!!!

Does Anyone think this could cause plant issues? cuz im thinking it might.

also what should i do to fix the highhhh ppm and ph without buying an expensive ro system. butm if its a must and will usually fix multiple solutions for me anyway. plus my outside plants will love me if i get this but cash is hard to come buy with me i have a dui and am on call at work ugh its bs for me right now.

i live 7 miles away from the beach we just have super shitty water i think thats the problem and also lotssss of chlorine too


Well-Known Member
I never use tap water on my plants, who knows what else is in there besides chlorine. Invest in a tap filter or try distilled. Or if that doesn't seem to be an issue, get some Perrier
your right shit i have to get an ro/ di system. do u know any cheap great working ones were i can just like attach it to a garden hose or sink quick to fill up buckets and shit. orrrr is there a way to just buy the filters and just fill 1 gallon jugs at a time


Well-Known Member
fuck thats pertty high i use my tap water but the nutes i use is made for hard water i use the GH from Genrall hydropoices the flora seires its some kick ass shit if you dont have money for a RO system then fill up a 5 gallon bucket and let it sit out over night and that will let the shit in the water dissapaet and then test your ppm and see what that does for you my water comes out at 150 ppm and like i said i just let it sit out over night and that helps


Well-Known Member
BASTARD ;) ya i leave mine out over night too and shit i literally just checked it and nada........ damn sounds like its a ghetto ass home made filter using a shiirt a carbon filter and some other shit lol
HEHE.........I figure it is good enough water to make beer out of, the plants sure aren't going to complain.