Wow my Clones are Covered in Mold


Active Member
Is it temperature problem? I never had this problem in summer time when its 105 out. its about 65 during the day 60 at night right now. clones have been in they humidity dome for a little over a week and they are all fucked! I hardly misted them too! Im using jiffy peat pellets in a big tupperware bin type humidity dome. I would think that hot+moisture=mold but is it the cold weather thats making them mold? Im not using a heating pad but i have one.

crazy carl

Maybe a bad batch of peat, is it the same batch. I was thinking of using the pellets this time around and was wondering if I should soak them I some sm90 or something like that?


Well-Known Member
humidity domes are only useful for the first 2-3 days... after that they will aid in the rotting and molding of your cuttings. Keep things warm and moist (not wet) below the "soil" line... a bit cooler and much drier above the soil line.


Well-Known Member
Mist your clones with a solution of 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a 1 liter mister then gently wipe off the leaves and the mold will come with it. This also will kill the mold spores and act as a preventative, I use this once a week when the weather is good for mold.
Good Luck


Well-Known Member
humidity domes are only useful for the first 2-3 days... after that they will aid in the rotting and molding of your cuttings. Keep things warm and moist (not wet) below the "soil" line... a bit cooler and much drier above the soil line.
Listen to this person, DITCH THE DOME!!! Never for more than 2 days and only if needed, rh is too high. I never use a dome or mist,i use jiffy pellets on heat mats in a clone box (no domes) and i dont get sag. For clones temps are the main concern, keep at 27-30 cel.

crazy carl

some where I red that mold can imbed itself into the plant tissue and cause ongoing issues. Would you guys think it would be better to throw out a moldy batch of clones and start a new batch or treat?


Well-Known Member
Is it temperature problem? I never had this problem in summer time when its 105 out. its about 65 during the day 60 at night right now. clones have been in they humidity dome for a little over a week and they are all fucked! I hardly misted them too! Im using jiffy peat pellets in a big tupperware bin type humidity dome. I would think that hot+moisture=mold but is it the cold weather thats making them mold? Im not using a heating pad but i have one.
its your humidity, its too high and that is why you see the mold.

If your clones are not sweated (heat mat 20.00)they wont take root before they die
simply not true, i've never used a heat mat and i have no troubles getting cuts to root.

some where I red that mold can imbed itself into the plant tissue and cause ongoing issues. Would you guys think it would be better to throw out a moldy batch of clones and start a new batch or treat?
you heard correct, dump them