Wow, Ive never done that before.....


Active Member
So whats the stupidest shit you've done high *the weed made you do it*. I was just smokin a blunt, got stoned as fuck and went to finish watering in my garden. I lit up another blunt, set it down for a second and continued to water. Picked my blunt back up and didnt look at it. Started to move some lights and put the blunt up to my mouth to have both hands free....I stuck that cherry of the blunt right in my mouth and on my lips for at least 3 seconds before I felt the burning and noticed my mouth was on fire lol. :joint: Wow, Ive never done that before.......

anyone else?


Well-Known Member
i love watching drunk/high people light their cigs backwards, who doesnt like smking the fliter?

sludge factory

Active Member
The stupidest thing I've ever done when I was high was when me and my friend thought it would be a good idea to slide down the railings on my staircase.

to make a long story short, i ended up falling and I sliced my knee open.

btw- if you dont want your lip to blister, vaseline helps!



Well-Known Member
when i was about 15-16, many moons ago, i went into a convenience store to buy some smokes or some papers or something like that, after a good session with a 1/4 oz and a 6' bong. this was before i carried a wallet, and my cash was in my pockets with everything else. well, i couldnt dig it out, (the cash) so i start taking out all the shit in my pockets to get to my money, out comes a bunch of reciepts, some change, a pen, lighter, pack of smokes, 1/2 oz of weed, my keys, and then finally my cash, lol... the whole time the clerk is standing there like dude, wtf are you doing?... lol i was lucky i was the only one in the store. dude was cool and sold me whatever it was i was there for too, lol....... stupid things we do whilst stoned.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
One time i walked out of my house with a joint in my mouth like it was a cigarette, i got half way to my car before i lit it and realized it wasent a cigarrette. another time i was making burgers and defrosted a 1lb of hamburger not realizing i had already taken a 1lb out the night i made double the burgers.

smoker toker

Active Member
heh heh heh... I did something simlar... Got blitzed on a lunch break once (Vizine powns.. lol)... And rolled another one for when I got off work, could smoke it in the car on the way home..... and before I left I put it in my ear like a cigerette... lol..And didn't realize... I got back to work like 10 minutes earlier was gonna light up a smoke, lit it up in my car and forgot it was a J.. hahaha... thank gawd I was in my car still

:leaf: Smoker Toker :leaf:


Well-Known Member
I always light my the filter of my cig first. they cost so much you might as well smoke the whole thing and get your moneys worth


Well-Known Member
when i was about 15-16, many moons ago, i went into a convenience store to buy some smokes or some papers or something like that, after a good session with a 1/4 oz and a 6' bong. this was before i carried a wallet, and my cash was in my pockets with everything else. well, i couldnt dig it out, (the cash) so i start taking out all the shit in my pockets to get to my money, out comes a bunch of reciepts, some change, a pen, lighter, pack of smokes, 1/2 oz of weed, my keys, and then finally my cash, lol... the whole time the clerk is standing there like dude, wtf are you doing?... lol i was lucky i was the only one in the store. dude was cool and sold me whatever it was i was there for too, lol....... stupid things we do whilst stoned.
i did some shit like that when i was younger i just baged up a half ounce in nicks then went to the store to get a drink my money was in the same pocket as the weed when i pulled out my money the bag wit all the nicks fell out lol i didnt even notice i payed for my drink was about to walk and and papi was like yo you drop that lol i just picked it up and keep it moving they aint really give a fuck the boi was laughing bout it next time i went in there

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
Smoked a joint, reached out for a cigarette, but .. grabbed a joint, smoked it, then realized .. ahh That's why I'm baked out of my mind lolz

Ive also lite cigarettes filter first, what a taste lolz


Active Member
Smoked a joint, reached out for a cigarette, but .. grabbed a joint, smoked it, then realized .. ahh That's why I'm baked out of my mind lolz

Ive also lite cigarettes filter first, what a taste lolz
Yeah it happens, just super shitty if it is your last of the pack haha :leaf:


Active Member
Ok well it was last week me and my bud were so high and it was so hot and we forgot our money so we decided to go to candian tire and steal some shit.. later do we find out some under cover was watching us and like just dont his shit he saw us pick it up and saw us again without them so he followed us outside then thats where he busted us and we were officially under arrest for theft under 500$, it was scarry shit becasue right before we seshed an i justs o happened to leave my weed and pipe in hiding in the forest.. was pretty good though, we didn't get charged but we have to pay like 600$ or somthing witc suck balls.


Well-Known Member
i was jerking off and i forgot to lock the door.

my pops caught me with my dick in my hand and everything.


Active Member
Sad story: Entrusting one of my "friends" with the remnants of a picked-apart bud, next time I see this buster, he's flying in the clouds and none of my weed could be rescued. DAMN IT!


Well-Known Member
me and my mate used to climb on top of a local shop in the middle of the night and chill out and bake, one time he dropped th joint over the side n we were like fuck it can't be assed climbing allll the way round and back down the normal way, let's just jump from the roof onto that streetlight, it's only like 2 metres away.

it didn't end well. we never did that again.

i've also just spent the last 10 mins on some other weed forum cause google took me there. I'm sittin here reading it going "who the fuck are these people, what happened to the layout, and why can't i post?!"


Well-Known Member
This wasn't from pot 100%, but one time I was in a post tripping haze(2-ct-7) the day after. I was getting ready to leave my dorm room to go to class. I had my shoes on and back pack all ready to go...I unlock my door and start to open it, luckily I looked in the mirror because I didn't have any pants on.