Wouldn't it be nice to if Marijuana grew like oranges???


Active Member
Just food for the brain... imagine a cannabis plant that grew bud like oranges, or blackberries, or anything that just grew, bud, and kept on growing...:hump:
oh that would be like life...
Happy Highs everyone :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
isn't it easier to grow marijuana than it is to grow oranges? no offense meant .. just saying...


Well-Known Member
actually your probably right, better example?
I think it will work - just go with the idea of being able to pick a bud and smoke it like you can pick an orange and eat it - instead of having to dry and cure and stuff.

But here are some others you can use:

wouldn't it be nice if marijuana grew like -
my "to do" list
my credit card debt
the hair in my ears/nose (ewww I know - i can't help it - i'm at "that" age)

well you get the idea - :mrgreen: