Would you try DMT?

DMT is a chemical that is released when something dies. My friend tried it and thought he was dying. Literally. He started crying and tripping the fuck out. Once the trip was over he said that he was paralyzed. That being said, no. I would not try it.
if i recall correctly, DMT also occurs naturally in the brain in the pineal gland which is aka the third eye. you naturally produce it every night when you REM sleep. it also occurs naturally in almost all living things (i think) check this out if your interested. its a 5 part series.
and yes i would do it.
DMT is a chemical that is released when something dies. My friend tried it and thought he was dying. Literally. He started crying and tripping the fuck out. Once the trip was over he said that he was paralyzed. That being said, no. I would not try it.
did your friend properly prepare for the trip? its not a drug thats meant to be taken lightly...i think that its important with DMT to fully prepare yourself mentally for the trip so that you dont freak out. its not something that people should just try on a whim...i think it sucks that your friend had a bad experience :( sorry to hear that.
if i recall correctly, DMT also occurs naturally in the brain in the pineal gland which is aka the third eye. you naturally produce it every night when you REM sleep. it also occurs naturally in almost all living things (i think) check this out if your interested. its a 5 part series.
and yes i would do it.
i agree, i for sure have DMT trips in my sleep. i've seen videos of people's artistic representation of what they saw whilst tripping and almost everything in the video's looks familiar to me :)
It's funny how DMT is such an illegal substance yet every person is carrying it on them 24/7.
I can't really trip anymore. The older you get, the larger the gallery of unpleasant images that you you don't want to see but can't help but pull from in a trip becomes.
I tried it one time, probably about 7 years ago. I had a friend that worked in a lab that ordered it off of a website, and had it shipped to the lab. It cost like 400 dollars for 2 grams. I probably smoked 5mg, one hit and i was super fucked up. Immediately I lost all sense of my body, and my vision spiraled into blackness with sparkling lights swirling. for about 10 minutes I was having the most intense trip of my life. I was coherent and alert, I just thought I was dying. I couldn't see or feel anything, I know I had some crazy thoughts about the universe and all that trippy kind of stuff, but I was so fucked up I can't really elaborate. after that, for around 30 minutes I had a really strange trip...kind of like the end of a mushroom trip, no full on hallucinations, but peripheral and some auditory. I've tripped on a lot of drugs...mushrooms and acid more times than I can count, 2CI, 2-ct-7, 2CB, and DMT. I don't count salvia because I hate it...I've done it a few times and it just makes me stuck in my chair and sweat like crazy. My tripping days are mostly over at this point, but I will definitely say DMT was by far the most powerful.

What you smoked was 5meo-DMT, not quite the same thing.


P.S. you are never too old for DMT.... the imagery is not from your database of stored images... It realy feels more likely that it is streamed/observed from some outer source.
What you smoked was 5meo-DMT, not quite the same thing.


P.S. you are never too old for DMT.... the imagery is not from your database of stored images... It realy feels more likely that it is streamed/observed from some outer source.

i think that it is from an outside source. i remember reading somewhere a while ago while researching DMT, that there was some sort of study done. they chose people who were experienced with psychedelics, but had never heard of DMT. they didnt tell them anything about what it would do, and the test subjects i dont think had the option to talk to each other about their experiences...but still about 30% of the people saw the same type of things, same types of creatures and stuff...at least im sure i read that somewhere...does anyone else know what im talking about?
Im pretty sure you can, if you have the means, extract it from a blade of grass too. lol

i can't see myself not partaking in the temptation if i had the choice.. (:

definately would want to do some hardcore mental prep. though.

i think that it is from an outside source. i remember reading somewhere a while ago while researching DMT, that there was some sort of study done. they chose people who were experienced with psychedelics, but had never heard of DMT. they didnt tell them anything about what it would do, and the test subjects i dont think had the option to talk to each other about their experiences...but still about 30% of the people saw the same type of things, same types of creatures and stuff...at least im sure i read that somewhere...does anyone else know what im talking about?
i think this was the only "study" on DMT http://www.rickstrassman.com/ which is part of the video i posted earlier check this one out to see if it was what you were talkin about at about minutes 3:00 to 4:00

this is also a good one. dr strassman talks in this one.
only watched the first video but great shit there . . . . for real.

I haven't tried any psychedelics yet, but I have researched their chemical ligands and such. so I believe they're safe unless you have had serious health issues in your life due to your brain being chemically different . . . .(which doesn't apply to 98% of us I believe . . . )

so I'm planning on trying shrooms this summer. I know all about set and setting, I happen to live in one of the most beautiful places in california (besides yosemite and the redwoods. this is the 3rd unsung beauty of california, siskiyou county.)

I've been with my buddies when they were shrooming and there was this one particular place in which they all had great trips. it's essentially all nature, and on a great sunny day I can imagine it would be the place to have some of the most intense experiences of your life.
i think this was the only "study" on DMT http://www.rickstrassman.com/ which is part of the video i posted earlier check this one out to see if it was what you were talkin about at about minutes 3:00 to 4:00

this is also a good one. dr strassman talks in this one.
i havent had a chance to watch the vids yet, but im assuming that you're probably correct. rick strassman sounds familiar...im sure thats where it was from. and i dont think it was a really professional medical study or anything, just a type of experiment to see what the results would be...

i love reading DMT trip reports on erowid...lol. i can spend hours doing that :D
is dmt a scary experience like salvia or will u get something useful out of da experience cuz saliva was fucking wack i didnt understand nothing about it but on da other hand i tried shrooms and those are really fun....shrooms helped me out with a slight mild depression i had
is dmt a scary experience like salvia or will u get something useful out of da experience cuz saliva was fucking wack i didnt understand nothing about it but on da other hand i tried shrooms and those are really fun....shrooms helped me out with a slight mild depression i had

i think that DMT can be both...some people have really scary, yet really meaningful experiences. other people have wonderful and meaningful experiences. but typically, as far as i've read, DMT is always meaningful in some way, if you are able to breakthrough for a full out trip. i wouldnt take DMT lightly though, i think that if people are going to try it they should read up on it beforehand and really prepare mentally for the trip. i dont think that this is a drug that you can just experiment with for fun. i think this one requires preparation in order to be really useful.