Would you try DMT?

it works upon a natural ligand receptor, just like that of cannabis, so I don't see why not.

but if anything, do mushrooms first. they contain a form of DMT. it'd be a good way to prep yourself for what DMT will do (I've heard very intense stories.)
hells to the yeahs.. its one of the few that i haven't tried as of yet that has me very interested in it.. wish i was more of a chemist and knew more about extracting and i would probably already have done so... dmt sounds of the hook, and i used to love off the hook, lol..
hells to the yeahs.. its one of the few that i haven't tried as of yet that has me very interested in it.. wish i was more of a chemist and knew more about extracting and i would probably already have done so... dmt sounds of the hook, and i used to love off the hook, lol..
yea its da only thing stopping me too from trying it
absolutely. i plan to try it sometime soon, but i've read a lot about DMT and its supposed to be a VERY intense experience. i'd like to thoroughly research it and learn as much as i can before i try it, so that i can make the most of my experience. i think that the idea of trying shrooms first is a good idea...i havent tried them yet so i'd like to try a less intense psychedelic first :)

there are certain thing i'd like to attempt to accomplish whilst tripping :)
fuck yeah! Iv done acid, four kinds of mushrooms and loads of salvia! DMT sounds like a profound trip if I knew where to get it I'd do it right now!
I heard once you hit DMT, you lose breath in the experience that is what Joe Rogan says and he said it least only 10 minutes.
fuck yeah. If I could just find some I would jump on that shit.

After mushrooms and salvia thats my next step (unless I can find some acid).

I heard once you hit DMT, you lose breath in the experience that is what Joe Rogan says and he said it least only 10 minutes.

I tried it one time, probably about 7 years ago. I had a friend that worked in a lab that ordered it off of a website, and had it shipped to the lab. It cost like 400 dollars for 2 grams. I probably smoked 5mg, one hit and i was super fucked up. Immediately I lost all sense of my body, and my vision spiraled into blackness with sparkling lights swirling. for about 10 minutes I was having the most intense trip of my life. I was coherent and alert, I just thought I was dying. I couldn't see or feel anything, I know I had some crazy thoughts about the universe and all that trippy kind of stuff, but I was so fucked up I can't really elaborate. after that, for around 30 minutes I had a really strange trip...kind of like the end of a mushroom trip, no full on hallucinations, but peripheral and some auditory. I've tripped on a lot of drugs...mushrooms and acid more times than I can count, 2CI, 2-ct-7, 2CB, and DMT. I don't count salvia because I hate it...I've done it a few times and it just makes me stuck in my chair and sweat like crazy. My tripping days are mostly over at this point, but I will definitely say DMT was by far the most powerful.
check this out... http://vimeo.com/2620065 theres a couple vids there of this persons DMT trips. the one in the link...its about 2 mins long. i've seen some of the things in that video...without the use of dmt, unless of course my brain has naturally been producing it. at the part about 1 min in...where he says thats when the visions become threatening, and these black things with mad teeth start snapping up...i've seen those before. it came as a regular vision while i was awake and sober in the middle of the day...so i assume that i saw it in a dream and i just randomly remembered it later in the day. then the part a little later with the floating crocodiles...the colourful geometric patterns...i've seen those too. not on crocodiles lol. just in the air in front of me one day when i was walking home from the store, they just popped up in front of me out of nowhere in a round shape...hard to explain but i remember stopping dead in my tracks and saying "WHOA" lol weird eh? :D haha. god im a fucked up loony mess hahahaha
I'd like to think I would try DMT... but I honestly have no care for anything else than my beloved weed. I stopped the actual drugs years ago.

But because someone mentioned it... 2CB is epic hahahaha