Would you Top or super crop this plant ? (Blue Widow)


So I wanted to flip to flower last week but I decided to let a smaller plant get a little more growth before doing so and in that time this blue widow took off. I t has developed from what I know (little to some) some great inter node spacing. But now I"m torn between topping this plant or Super Cropping the main tops of this plant. it's about 8 inches taller than the other two in the tent with it standing about 30 inches tall from the soil and 40 from the floor. and it's in a 3.5 gal bucket.
There is only about 2 more feet left in the tent to raise the light so I am going to have to do something I think.
Anyone with experience growing blue widow know how much stretch to expect ?
What would you do, Top now or super crop now or super crop if necessary in flower ?
I'm sort of leaning to leaving it be until necessary but Any advice would be awesome to aide me making up my mind.



Active Member
I would just go ahead and super crop the plant, super croping is necessary when it has just begun auto-flowing (around 1-2 weeks).

Irie Genetics

Active Member
I have Blue Widow.It didnt seem to enjoy being topped. I get MUCH better results from a single cola plant when I run Blue Widow. She wont stretch too far. Maybe try bending the top over and not cutting anything?
Its also a poor idea to top when you plan to bloom so soon. Plants develop hormones during veg and they are gonna lose some of the boost they have saved up if you top them.


Well-Known Member
If I had plenty of room... I would LST. 4 tops lst'd is a great thing.

Would just tie it back, wait for the tops to turn up for the light (3 hours or so) then flip it.

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
I've limited experience with top vs supercrop, but so far, supercrop is producing thicker stalks/stems so the bud weight isn't pulling the branches down.


So I went with super croping now instead of later ... and here it is 3 hours later posting this and my fingers still stink , I can't wait to taste this blue widow lol
Here are some pics,
I moved it so it is now in front of the doors to the tent , that way I could crop it to the sides and take advantage of the length of the hood.



Looks bang on to me. +rep

Now all you have to do is wait 3 months:weed:
Thanks hugo... The waiting game begins
I've seen others post "rep+" before in other threads and saw a notification at the top of the page when you did that but I can figure out how you are supposed to do that for people ? is there a link I'm over looking somewhere ?


So almost a day later and damn it is shocking how fast it rebounded , even one of the tops that was bent right into the wind of the fan and was being smacked around have all turned up and looking strong
Really glad I went with the super crop cause U can now see at least 3 times as many tops in addition to the extra light that will now get to the lower branches!
Some fresh pics
