Would you top, fim, lst or just let it go? (Pic inside)

First time grow here. 3 weeks and 4 days from germination. One plant is 10 inches and the other is a little over 8. She is a few days younger and just seems to be a harder plant to keep happy overall.

This tent is a 2x2 tent so I know its probably going to be a tight fit during flower. I was wondering if I should top it, fim it, lst or let them ride. I could also just take the runt out but I think I am too attached to her to do that now but if I have to I will. So what would you do? I plan on flowering on Friday.

Some more information if its helpful:

Coco Grow
Using Coco Canna nutes
2 Gallon Buckets
2x2 space
Area51-90 LED light (Which I got half way through my grow, was growing with a 200 watt cfl for first two weeks.)
Those two small pots are going into a new 2x2 tent when it arrives on Friday. Growing a high CBD strain (CBD Nordle) Cant wait to try it!



Active Member
You could top and LST. Or top and LST and scrog. Next time maybe you could try mainlining? I've only read a small amount on it but it seems to be super awesome and makes so many colas. It's beautiful. Good luck!

Cali Cali

I would fim first, and then tie down the branches that come up... It makes for a more symmetrical canopy... Easier to arrange too...



Well-Known Member
Looks topped or fimmed already to me!
Next run in that space, I would scrog.
Look up my u-scrog. Pulled over 6 oz from a 2x2 area under a 250w last grow. With mistakes. Aiming for 9 next run (GPW).