Would you rent a grow room?


New Member
My buddy has a chance up in Michigan to rent out 24 light set up. 4 15x25 rooms.. 2 flower, veg, trim for $8k-$10k a month. Said they have a big warehouse with space for at least 2 more. And he said all utilities, everything included except nutes. Landlord said he will only allow it if they get the approval from the city, but if they do is it a good deal?? thx


Well-Known Member
Michigan grower here lets do the math ,

-Rent a house

-1,000$ a month

-Make sure the owner is down with you growing

-With that many lights / other electrical equipment associated with growing expect 1000$ or so a month for electricity

-24 lights x 400$ a pop ( that's a generous amount because you can get bulk deals ) 9600$ (one time fee) worst case scenario unless you go all high end LED

-Your card + 5 patients and if you can swing it have your wife / girlfriend / significant other get there card with 5 patients ( maybe a 1000$ if you pay for everything out of pocket )

So at the end of 12 months

-That method 120,000$ lost to rent / electricity + nutes and you don't own the equipment

-This method 25,000$ lost to rent / electricity + 10,000$ in lights that you own /can resell or move to a different property when you're done.

-Also for 120,000$ you could buy fixer upper home and get all set up for growing if you have the legit job to back up the initial mortgage.

-Then use the cash to fix it up, flip it, rinse and repeat.

-These are just a few ideas I would look into / I would prefer to do over tossing 10,000$ a month away in rent into someone else's pocket.

-You also get to live at the house too, so no extra money spent on rent and complete / total access to your garden as well which is preferred

-Honestly though unless you are well prepared to move large quantities through legal grey area i would say stick to smaller more personal grows but that's just me

-However if they lowered rent to 2,000$-4,000$ + nutes / electricity a month with lights included i would say that is more reasonable


-Chances are no landlord will let this happen because it opens them up to major liability

-I have never heard of "city" approval for growing ganja so that sounds like smoke being blown up an ass

-No home insurance company in there right mind is going to want to insure a home with that activity going on, so getting a mortgage is off the table.

-So unless you got taxed legal cash to buy the house you might be SOL

-I still wouldn't pay 10,000$ a month in rent though unless Michigan seriously relaxes the laws on my ability to posses larger quantities of final product weight so i could make up for the large expenditure.
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Breakdancer nailed it. There's a place in socal that offers basically the same thing except they pay for everything and u just tend to the vegging plants (clones only). But I've heard they leave u out to dry when things get sketchy. I'd try to buy a house and run with that.


New Member
Thank you both for the responses. You raised some very valid points but yeah I think basically the city hasn't approved it yet although the process is pending and they have made positive traction. Better question I guess is what would you pay per light in a situation like that? They were suggesting to him it's essentially "$400-500 a month per light"... So hypothetically lets say everything is included and it's a completely safe place to grow that has other growers in the same building, just in separate locked and closed facilities compliant with the MMMA, would that be a reasonable price? Because at 24 lights x $500 that would be around $12K. So lets say I wanted a smaller grow of say 12 lights at $6K a month... would that be sensible or am I crazy? lol


New Member
I appreciate your input but I was referencing the rental rate of the grow room from this secure facility would be between "$400-$500" per light.. so basically if I have a 10 light room I would expect to pay between $4000-$5000 a month to rent it from them with everything included but the nutrients.


New Member
Also, let me clarify that this will be in a commercialized setting. Basically one big warehouse with multiple caregivers under the same roof but all in their own individual based grow rooms.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I appreciate your input but I was referencing the rental rate of the grow room from this secure facility would be between "$400-$500" per light.. so basically if I have a 10 light room I would expect to pay between $4000-$5000 a month to rent it from them with everything included but the nutrients.
Lol those guys are going to make more money then you are.. After a couple weeks of renting you paid for all their equipment that they're letting you borrow.. running 10 lights at home would cost 1500 bucks.. A month for electricity,All that equipment probably costs a couple grand new.. I'm sure the equipment they're going to lend you isn't new.. you should own the equipment and be buying a house..let's say pgne costs 2000. That leaves 3 grand for the mortgage, that's a big ass house.