would you rather a mate be a bit too thin or too plump?


Active Member
Would you rather date someone who's a bit too thin, or a bit too plump? lol

Don't ask me why I thought to post this but meh.... curiosity lol.


Well-Known Member
I find that too thin equals hip bines sticking into you and having to look at spinal vertabrae isnt great either, depending how you prefer to have sex of course...
I would prefer a little more plump girls that are too skinny are gross. They lose their ass and tits. Also when you can see girls ribs is a big turn off. I mean who doesnt like a little more cushion for the pushin. eeehhhh


Active Member
I would prefer a little more plump girls that are too skinny are gross. They lose their ass and tits. Also when you can see girls ribs is a big turn off. I mean who doesnt like a little more cushion for the pushin. eeehhhh

I agree.

A woman isn't a woman if she doesn't have curves. :)