Would you grow in this closet? I'm so stuck..


New Member
Hello all, been on and off rollitup for a few years now and finally registered and making a plan to grow!! The past few days I have spent hours and hours researching what will be best for me, with the space I have, 19" deep, 27" wide and 6' tall, I will build a nice box and this will be a cfl grow, BUT my question...is this closet a good place to grow? This is my basement closet and yes that's a water meter,because making the box a little weird shaped will it be ok? Idk It doesn't leak or anything but I don't know.. The meter sticks out about 9" from the wall ..Also I have lived in this house since I was born and not once has any kind of service had to be done to it.. So I'm not worried about plumber visits or what not. I will be starting a journal ASAP if this is a suitable growing environment givin the meter.. Out of work till march with a seperated shoulder so this is the perfect time to delve in :-o. Thanks guys!!!! I know the closet looks dirty, which it is very.. No mold or anything tho.. Also I can fit 4" duct thru my ceiling into the laundry room and out the window on the other side of my basement.. Maybe sweat those joints, pull the meter apart, and move it to the corner? Lol sorry for the rambling I'm stoned



Well-Known Member
I can't really tell what your pictures are if they are sideways if that is the wall the floor Idk...take a farther out picture...space should be enough you need to take temperatures into consideration, clean it up best you can, and give more equipment info but its def doable


Well-Known Member
looks like your water main in your basement
if keeping it a secret is important, don't do it here. If anyone has to shut the water off for any reason (plumber) they need to access this unless there are isolation valves where he needs to work.
otherwise i'd frame it in and drywall it


Well-Known Member
That would be a risky place. Those meters don't last forever. Although you have never had to have anyone mess with the meter, time is against you.


New Member
Alright fellas as requested here are better pictures, but my right arm is in a sling from shoulder surgery a few days ago and it hurts too much to bend over so I didn't clean it up.. But I will be able to eat on it before I grow in there. Shoulder will feel better in a few days.

I'm the kind of guy who likes to do something once and do it the right way. I have 0 hands on experience in the art of growing, but instead of posting questions left and right I will study my butt thru your failures and victories to give this my best shot. That being said, sorry if this is a little bit of a read but I want you to be able to picture this. I am out of work till March with a seperated shoulder so this is the perfect time to start growing.

Background on this space, this is a closet in my finished basement which I recently moved into from a bedroom upstairs, this is a corner closet, the inside of the closet is unfinished. Half of my basement is finished, the other half is a laundry room that holds furnace, washer, dryer etc, and is divided with a wall.

Now I have not ruled out the idea of cutting and re brazing this meter to the corner of this closet but honestly that is a last ditch effort. This is all based off growing 1 plant just to get an idea of build,more plants and I will change supplies as needed. I am leaning towards growing, big bud feminized, or something like that.


Closet dimensions- 7' high, 16" deep, 29" wide, the meter sticks out 8 1/2" and is about 10" long

The back wall of the closet is a concrete wall so I believe I'm going to use some sort of sheeted insulation to make my box more easily temperature controlled. My plans are to build a box that will take up most space in the closet, but leave 2' or so at the top so I can have adequate room to have a DIY carbon scrubber and such. Now if I leave the meter there then i will just build the box around it, besides being a nuisance cause the whole backside of the box won't be flush with the wall,do you think I will run into any problems? If I build around it part of the backside of my wall will come out 9", be about 10" wide, then go back again. I was thinking because all 4 walls are not the same maybe this could cause heat build up or something where I have to build around the meter. The inside of my box will be painted flat white.


Lighting will change between veg and flower but will generally consist of 8 cfl bulbs. I was thinking 8 23watt 6500k for veg, not sure about flower yet. I am starting to create a design of where I want my lights, I will share it with y'all when it's completed. For ventilation I will have some pc fans moving air around the box, intake I haven't really thought of yet, and exhaust will be 4" with a DIY scrubber, it be okay after scrubbing exhaust to just it into my wall? Lol. This is a basement so there no attic above me and closest window is 20' away but it's in the middle of room so... This house was built in 1960, it is a 2 story single family house, BALLOON FRAME :) , meaning there is a void space between the walls from the basement on up to the attic, so if I went into the wall in theory the scrubbed exhaust should rise up into the attic, where there are automatic exhaust fans installed.

So my questions are.. What do you think? Please don't hold back, I will use every piece of criticism to help make this better!! Will it be ok exhausting into the wall? Heat build up because of uneven walls from framing around the meter? Thanks fellas I really appreciate it!! Plan to start building ASAP !!



Well-Known Member
What's the measurement from floor to top of meter? If it's just a CFL grow, you might consider putting the cabinet on legs so it's above the meter. That way it's always accessible, and if you DO need to do water maintenance, you just have to move the plants out of the closet, or simply put a lock on it.



New Member
From the floor to the bottom of the meter is 25"', that's a really great idea spek! That probably makes more sense then building around it. Thanks a lot brotha


Well-Known Member
it looks big enough. Just scrub that baby down and line it with mylar. If you can afford LED go with that, little to no heat cause what your gonna be battling with perhaps would be a heat and ventilation issue. Good luck.


New Member
So your saying to not construct a box? Led I'm sure is great but this will be a cfl grow in soil. But what does everyone think about exhausting into the wall? After a carbon scrubber obviously


Well-Known Member
Just watch out for mold if you exhaust into the wall. If that's your only option invest in a decent dehumidifier so the air leaving is less likely to create mold.

Buddha forest

New Member
I use a closet that's 24x36 8 foot tall, no shelve, I pulled it out. with a 400 watt hps and a medium fan I get results. I haven't bought weed in a long, long time. Keep the air moving, and go hps for tight buds.


Well-Known Member
No need for a box. Just clean the room, paint the inside flat white, intake vent, exhaust.
Question, does the water company need to take readings from that meter? Just checking.
That is what I would do.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Um, why build a box to put inside the closet? If you are going to do that just build yourself a little 4x4 room somewhere in the unfinsihed part of the basement. It you are dead set on that closet, just paint the walls white, hang your lights and rock 'n roll brother.


Well-Known Member
When was the last time that shutoff valve was shut off???? If it has been as long as you make it out to be then DON'T TOUCH IT!!!!!! That is unless you are replacing it with a new one.

I say build a platform above the meter also. You won't need all of that height since you don't have room for a bush. Use the space around the meter to store your supplies.