Would you buy Afghan weed/hash knowing it was helping the Taliban


Well-Known Member
I have been doing a lot of reading lately about Afghanistan, central Asia and the region and drugs play a major roll. Of course it is mostly opium and heroin base but all the books I have read so far have mentioned at least 1 case a piece where Taliban forces have either traded or protected Hashish shipments. They have also been known to trade tons (literally TONS, not just "a lot") of hash for weapons specifically to kill Americans.

I can pretty much, without doubt say that if you buy heroin in the US, you support the Taliban directly. This is no longer up for discussion, they export 93% of the world supply and tax it at every level (the farmer, the field hands that harvest, the labs, and finally the exporters).

So, if you had the chance, would you knowingly support an enemy of America?


Well-Known Member
no. helping the taliban is not ok.
i'm just glad someone went in and got seeds from afghanistan back in the 70's and 80's.
fantastic genetics.


Well-Known Member
No way I would. I doubt many people would - aside form heroin addicts (who probably don't think about that aspect of it, and wouldn't stop anyway) and possibly a small number of wingnuts who wouldn't mind supporting those pieces of shit.
dude, the taliban doesnt make heroin, they kill the farmers that grow the poppies, thats why the american soldiers are always protecting the fields...


Well-Known Member
Just like buying brick weed that supports mexican cartels....

I know a dude I quit dealing with because he wouldn't get rid of it in his little three tier offering to people..


Active Member
Honestly wouldn't bother me at all dude ( born and raised in Canada) and Hate to say it America is not really a well liked country, and They trained and armed a lot of the Taliban

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
I don't EVER buy weed. Secondly, I only do sativa.

But what does it matter?

I support animal cruelty in all major grocery stores.

This site is ultra liberal.

I use gasoline which at some point supports the Taliban.

Nearly all our information about modern human anatomy came from Nazi human experiments, without them many medications and medical procedures wouldn't exist today.

I live in the United States which commits horrible human rights violations, like torture in Gitmo which Obama lied about closing.

If I let all that shit bother me, I'd live a rather pathetic life. It's hard enough finding vegan certified foods. So why should I give a fuck where the weed I smoke originally came from? As long as it gets me high. Bipolar sucks, I don't need the extra worry.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Sure i would. Wouldn't really bother me at all. Due to events in past years, and not being an American, well it doesn't faze me, you get what you deserve. The US government started off doing it for supposedly good reasons, and then just turned into a terrorist organisation itself courtesy of the CIA.

One could ask whether buying american goods is right because the tax money just goes to blowing up innocent civillians in a country that is supposed to be a good ally.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Oh, and if the government gave a shit about me, I might give a shit about it. I shouldn't have to get a recommendation. I shouldn't have to worry about the feds breaking down my door for a few grams of plant material.

This is the only medication which alleviates my suffering. Bipolar is no joke.

I should be able to have my insurance pay for some bitchin' sativa and not have to dick around with growing my own.

But does the government give a damn? It's my life.


Well-Known Member
Sure i would. Wouldn't really bother me at all. Due to events in past years, and not being an American, well it doesn't faze me, you get what you deserve. The US government started off doing it for supposedly good reasons, and then just turned into a terrorist organisation itself courtesy of the CIA.

One could ask whether buying american goods is right because the tax money just goes to blowing up innocent civillians in a country that is supposed to be a good ally.

lol which country is that? Pakistan? Don't kid yourself


ted bundy

Active Member
Yeah id support the taliban. They are just fightin for what they believe in. unlike us fightin for "freedom".