Would this work?..or no?

I have 4x feminized Early Skunk seeds, and 2x feminized Lemon Skunk seeds. I can't start the plants inside or outside at my house, I have to start growing them in the forest at the grow site. I'm germinating the seeds now, and when they're ready I'm taking all my growing supplies (soil, pots, water, seeds) to the grow site and planting them in the 1 liter pots.

I'm wondering is there any method to protecting the plants until they sprout? Can I put like plastic wrap over the top of the pot? I want to plant them Sunday or Monday, but it's suppose to rain on Wednesday, and potentially Thursday and Friday and I don't want my plants to die before they even sprout.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Sound like you got a good plan to me. You could start em in a forest in pots, the shrink wrap will keep out the exess water an keep the soil moist when it get warmer. Dont leave the wrap on once the seeds germinate.

Around here rodents are my biggest enemy. Growing would be easy with out them. So use something to scare off pests (soap, coffee, pest sprays ect) or get some cages. I got to use cages to protect em fully they laugh at all my attempts to scare em.

Good luck grower!
Thanks man I appreciate the reply, so I'm going to put plastic wrap over the pots until the plants sprout and then I'll remove the plastic. I've heard the urine and cat hair work good for keeping pests away, I might try and use tomato cages.