Would this work as a grow box ?


In theory would this be able to work for a first time grow ? or is the width to short that the plants would be cramped ? ( Before i glue the drawers together and line them with mylar dont want to waste time and resources =P )

If this doesnt seem like a good idea ill just go back to the gutting out the drawer these came from and using that as a grow box

Thanks for any feedback !

GrowBOXIdea.jpg GrowboxideaWidth.jpg GrowboXMaterialUsed.jpg
id use it for a mother or train the hell out of 1 or 2 plants, good size for most autos. needs ventilation and good enough lighting though.
I've seen people use everything from trashcans to PC cases. And HYDRO in the PC case! =) DWC. on a VERY small scale using 12oz cups.
I wouldn't use it just for the simple fact that the box is made from flammable material.
It's not that I'd have a concern about the box cathing on fire. It's the fact that if the box did catch on fire there could be a possibility of emergency vehicles, landlord(s), etc showing up at the seen.
IMO it would be better to find something that is not flammable to grow mj in.
Let's not fuel the another house fire caused by mj grow-op propoganda news.
thanks for all the feedback guys but i think im just gonna recall this idea and just stick to what CannaCole suggested and stop being lazy and Turn the actual dresser into a growbox. That gives me another 2-3 feet for growth and its more sturdy then 2 drawers glued together ill keep you guys updated with pictures .
Heres the dresser that ive made into a Grow box unfortunately due to low funds and alot of bills i havent had any time to buy any more Items to fill the box with. Slowly but surely it will be done.

The Dimensions are as follows

Any suggestions on the setup ? And intake placement. I plan on not using a intake fan cause i feel the exhaust is high enough power to create a flow ( Extracted from a hockey Table 100-125 VAC ). Im also still trying to figure out how im going to do my CFL light placement i was thinking of just using zip ties to secrure a power strip next to the exhaust fan and just leaving it there ( would that be too high ?)

Please Please Please any suggestions that may improve my Setup would be greatly appreciated and taken into consideration !

Update- So i was reading a article about Growing WIth CFL's, and i have 8 SQFT in total, and they advise 4,000 lumens per SqFT so in all id have to get 32,000 Lumens in my Grow box Which is equal to 11 40 Watt 6500k CFL Bulbs and 12 42 Watt 2700K CFL Bulbs ......How would i even place those o_O
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In theory would this be able to work for a first time grow ? or is the width to short that the plants would be cramped ? ( Before i glue the drawers together and line them with mylar dont want to waste time and resources =P )

If this doesnt seem like a good idea ill just go back to the gutting out the drawer these came from and using that as a grow box

Thanks for any feedback !

View attachment 3160721 View attachment 3160722 View attachment 3160723
yield: 9 grams
cost: $34/gram after light, nutes, time, etc.
go buy a quarter.............cheaper.
with that box youd probably want a heavy yielder, could maybe fit 4 plants with proper training(i would suggest a scrog, better yet a vertical or stadium setup, this can be done with the canopy if the screen goes up the walls), low height pots would help give you more room for buds but id put each in a 5 gal at least, make sure you create some sort of drainage at the bottom of the box or leave a storage container below them and empty it out after every water. you probably wont need to veg long, 2-3 weeks with most strains due to stretch, this is also strain dependent though so thats something else to keep in mind.
intake at the back and/or side at the bottom. make sure the intake hole is twice the size of the exhaust.

keep the light close to them in seed/clone/veg so they dont stretch too much

and scrog it :)
Make sure it's COMPLETELY light proof, especially if it's going to be in a room that you use. Even a pin-hole can cause a major issues/hermies. If it's going to be in a room you don't use, I would black out the window and do your best not to go in the room when the grow lights are off. It's hard to make those cabs completely light proof. When you have it set up your going to have to get in it and sit in the dark for at least 15 mins to see if you can see any light leaks.

Also, all those cfls get really hot. Your probably going to need a 4" inline fan for exhaust. Don't forget a carbon filter or some other method of controling smell- otherwise your entire house is going to smell, and seeing as your growing in a cab I assume stealth is an issue-don't underestimate the stink.
with that box youd probably want a heavy yielder, could maybe fit 4 plants with proper training(i would suggest a scrog, better yet a vertical or stadium setup, this can be done with the canopy if the screen goes up the walls), low height pots would help give you more room for buds but id put each in a 5 gal at least, make sure you create some sort of drainage at the bottom of the box or leave a storage container below them and empty it out after every water. you probably wont need to veg long, 2-3 weeks with most strains due to stretch, this is also strain dependent though so thats something else to keep in mind.

4 plants in 5 gals? That seams excessive in such a small space, you could fill that with one plant in a 5 gal, and if you vegged long enough to fill the medium with roots you'll have some BIG plants. I'd say more like 2 in 5 gal. or if you wanted to do 4 plants, I would suggest something smaller then 3 gal.

Honestly, I think a 1 or 2 plant scrog style grow is your best bet in such a small space.
intake at the back and/or side at the bottom. make sure the intake hole is twice the size of the exhaust.

keep the light close to them in seed/clone/veg so they dont stretch too much

and scrog it :)

Yeah i will be making my scrog sometime this week and that will be the next addition to the box ! and really ? i thought exhaust was suppose to be bigger than intake ? Hmmm maybe ive been misinformed ill look into that though :mrgreen:

Make sure it's COMPLETELY light proof, especially if it's going to be in a room that you use. Even a pin-hole can cause a major issues/hermies. If it's going to be in a room you don't use, I would black out the window and do your best not to go in the room when the grow lights are off. It's hard to make those cabs completely light proof. When you have it set up your going to have to get in it and sit in the dark for at least 15 mins to see if you can see any light leaks.

Also, all those cfls get really hot. Your probably going to need a 4" inline fan for exhaust. Don't forget a carbon filter or some other method of controling smell- otherwise your entire house is going to smell, and seeing as your growing in a cab I assume stealth is an issue-don't underestimate the stink.

The grow box will be in my closet i never use. Its not a walk in or anything ( thatd be lovely ) but ill block it off so no light can enter. Do i have to worry about the light escaping from the box ? Obviously minimal to no light leakage is the best, but if it does happen to leak it a little ill still be alright ..right ? and as far as a fan upgrade goes ill try to see what i can scrounge up and try to buy a inline fan asap, until then this fan is going to have to do ! i Already bought my activated carbon from the pet store and the filter foam i just have to make a run to home depot and pick up some pvc for the assembly

Also, any suggestions on where i should place a oscillating fan ? ive read try to keep them blowing on the tops of the plants, should it be on the same side as my exhaust or across from it ?

Thanks for all the inputs guys.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie
Not with light escaping, that's all good-you won't loose much from a pin hole or bottom a door. But if light leaks INTO your grow space you'll have issues. it JUST happened to me, so now I'm on a mission to spread the word. There is so much info when your starting to grow but the importance of light leaks is often over looked. I know better and didn't do a good job of checking for them and it caused some of the plants on the left side of my tent to throw nanners and pollinate some of my crop : /
As long as you have a fan circulating air and you visibly see leaves rustling fan placement is usually space dependent. Fit it where ever you can as long as you can visibly see leaves moving.

Leaves absorb the co2 immediately around their surface area. It doesn't take long for them to use it all up, thus the importantance of the fan 'rustling' the leaves and moving a constant supply of fresh co2 over their leaf surface area to use.
Yeah i will be making my scrog sometime this week and that will be the next addition to the box ! and really ? i thought exhaust was suppose to be bigger than intake ? Hmmm maybe ive been misinformed ill look into that though :mrgreen:

The grow box will be in my closet i never use. Its not a walk in or anything ( thatd be lovely ) but ill block it off so no light can enter. Do i have to worry about the light escaping from the box ? Obviously minimal to no light leakage is the best, but if it does happen to leak it a little ill still be alright ..right ? and as far as a fan upgrade goes ill try to see what i can scrounge up and try to buy a inline fan asap, until then this fan is going to have to do ! i Already bought my activated carbon from the pet store and the filter foam i just have to make a run to home depot and pick up some pvc for the assembly

Also, any suggestions on where i should place a oscillating fan ? ive read try to keep them blowing on the tops of the plants, should it be on the same side as my exhaust or across from it ?

Thanks for all the inputs guys.bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie

its a personal preference. "negative vs positive pressure" - chuck that into google and choose yours

as for the light leaks, just line the box with reflective material

you need to know what temps you'll be runnning before you even think about vents and exhausts and intakes

you going hydro or soil?
its a personal preference. "negative vs positive pressure" - chuck that into google and choose yours

as for the light leaks, just line the box with reflective material

you need to know what temps you'll be runnning before you even think about vents and exhausts and intakes

you going hydro or soil?

I think im gonna go with Negative pressure for the box and hmmmm i was considering Mylar for my first run but i dont want to mess up and make heat spots when its time to get into action lol. I was going to just use Flat white paint, i know its not as reflective but itll have to do until i feel comfortable using mylar.

As temperature goes i wanna keep it around 70~80 Degrees and somewhere between 65~70 at night would this be idea ?

im gonna go soil grow first cause its more forgiving than hydroponics, maybe when i get used to this ill switch to a hydro system.
flat white matt paint is excellent
75 day, 70 night also excellent
you can do sooo much with soil its unreal - add clay pebbles, perlite, bat guano, coco, worm castings etc