would my grow design be ok


Active Member
  • hey guys i have a cool idea for a growbox to use in my room as i still live with my parents and i am just wondering would it work out alright i might be missing something,keeping in mind i only want to grow one lowrider plant just for some fun.
  • here is the design i have sorry it is so bad
weed project.jpg

its a bedside locker which im designing to be 31" high,18" wide,and 20" long from back to front

from the side you should see the light its a round 32 watt cfl bulb....."will this be alright for growing one lowrider plant" which will be on a 18/6 routine

and there will be a fan of some sort maybe a computer fan in the back facing the wall so none can see it

the plant will not be very big just pushin over a foot from what ive heard as it will only be in a 1.5 little pot 5 inches which leaves me with over 18 inches for the plant under the light,

on the right side of the bedside locker (or the front of ot) will be 3 drawers but instead i m having them going bk the whole 20 inches they will be going bk 5 or 6

the depth of these drawers will be used as a kind of secret door as in it looks like a normal bedside locker but is a grow box 2 haha

this all sounds gd but will it work
any help would be deeply appriacated thanks guys and if so is there nything i cud do to defuse the smell haha thanks :-o:leaf::weed:

Illegal Smile

I hate to be a downer but

1. it isn't enough light, not even for veg
2. I fear problems with heat
3. maybe odor isn't a problem but you'll have that too


Active Member
u could try, but its not really worth getting kicked out of your parents house for a plant that might yield an 1/8 dry........

ah its not 2 bad i had a plant growing on my windowstill all summer untill it got to about 9 inches after a couple of weeks and just said to get rid of it haha, planted one outside in south of ireland didnt really work out tho :sad:


Active Member
Ok so what type of light do i need to grow and can you get the light from a hardware store, ny advice on how you could fix this idea for me would be sound :)


Active Member
thatsa gs idea thanks for the advice,or a guy just told me if i had a floouros flood light at the top of it with a roper fan it would work,is that true its kinda same idea as you
