Would Clinton have carried the DNC in the direction Obama oriented it?


Well-Known Member
Would a Clinton first term have resembled an Obama third term? In what ways do you speculate that she would or would not have done so?
If Clinton got elected we would be working on Medicare for all and not worrying if Trump is going to get us destroyed.
Try telling that to the Bernie Babys on this site that did everything in their power before the election last year to ensure Clinton didn't get elected
Want to scare the living shit out of NK?

Evacuate Seoul. Shut it down and move everyone south
I'm pretty sure they don't want a lunatic with hydrogen bombs with the shit scared out of him...fear brings ever increasing irrationality.

Plus Kim can nuke anywhere in SK now anyway, so their artillery would still be massively destructive but somewhat redundant.

If Kim thinks he's going to die anyway I don't see why he wouldn't pull the trigger...its a fucked up situation.

As much as butthurt berniebabies and Trumptards (so much overlap I'm not sure how to tell them apart) want to talk about Clinton everytime they are called on their stupidity as a deflection tactic, it is rather telling that none among them really have much to add in a thread that is actually about her.
pointless thread..no one cares except you.
Thanks for bumping it.
As much as butthurt berniebabies and Trumptards (so much overlap I'm not sure how to tell them apart) want to talk about Clinton everytime they are called on their stupidity as a deflection tactic, it is rather telling that none among them really have much to add in a thread that is actually about her.

Thanks for bumping it.
That's funny. They had a lot to say against her all the way up to the election. Some even said a Trump win would be good as we would all vote for Bernie in 2020. Or we deserve Trump for not supporting Sanders.
How many ICBM's did Korea have the balls to launch over Japan when Obama was President?

North Korea smells weakness and is circling, we literally can't even attack them or we wipe out Seoul.
Remember the failures? He just recently has the tech to launch them.