would be thank full

hey guys i'm a new grower and i have never tried this b4 and i was just wondering if someone can really walk me through my first experience...My friends gave me a bunch of good looking seeds. i take criticism very well and would really appreciate someones help...thanx for your time and hope to hear from you experienced growers...:weed:


Active Member
Put the seeds in a wet paper towel (make sure they are spaced out you dont want tangled tap roots) then put the paper towel in a ziplock bag. Set it on something warm for afew days checking from time to time. When the seeds open and have the white thing coming out of it it will be the tap root plant plant in a party cup of wetsoil tap root down leaving the top of the seed exposed. Then put sayran wrap over the cup an put the seeds under a light. When the true leaves come out take off the sayran wrap ( they arnt the first leaves that come up they are the second set that have alot of ridges on them). Then let them grow watering every day or 3 under the light which you can keep on nonstop.

Now while they are growing you need to set up your area look for a place where plenty of light can get to the plants and make sure its accessible enough to carry water to it incase of a drought. Dig 2'x2' holes one hole for each plant you have growing put acouple fish at the bottom of the hole and cover up to the top with (since your new just go to walmart and get those 5 dollar huge bags that help hold in water you can probly do two holes for bag) 50% potting soil 50% native soil. Then water the holes until they are saturated and your pretty sure there are no dry spots in the soil.

When your done with that simply wait until your plants that you started have grown to 6-8 inches and plant. Water once a week when it doesnt rain much. and look up some wildlife preventative measures to make care of deer rabbits slugs ect.ect.

Expect a october harvest of around 1 to 3 pounds per plant if you gave them enough sunlight.

One more thing from the middle of august to late august check for and kill males so they dont turn your crop from dank to reg. Just google the difference im lazy lol.


Well-Known Member
Tell as few people as possible, the less people that know, the more likely you will have smole from your grow.
If you have too many to care for in pots, you can always go guerilla. Bring a your extra seeds and hoe or stick that you can ditch if you have to. Clear a sq ft of ground and drop a few seeds in the dirt. Cover and repeat using only a few seeds for each hole. Return in two to three weeks with mulch to help the seedlings to out grow the natural plants. Use horse manure, cow pies, or bagged manure from the garden center. I would return in late July and early August to pull the males and mulch again. I have done these simple steps and smoked very good herb late September. The yield will not be as big as if you cared for them every day, but the beauty is its low labor, and works. If you want to run water to them you can, it will help, just be careful of watchful eyes. Bring binoculars for "bird watching" or something to give you a good story about what your doing. These stories or half truths can get you out of a situation.
you guys are very helpful..thank u so much Gazzette i just them in a paper towel how long do u think it will take for the seeds to sprout???


Active Member
If the seeds look all brown plump and stripey. Then it shouldnt be more than two or three days. Might be up to 5 or 7 days if the seeds are not so great. But dont plant until the taproots are at least an inch or so long it helps them get their roots in the ground alot easier.

and i made this mistake the first time I tried. Dont keep looking at them and messing with them to make sure they are growing every few hours its understandable to be excited but you gotta resist the urge to fuck with them until they get their first true leaves or they will die... alot lol.
yeah i haven't messed with them and ur right im very excited....do u think it can mature and grow in a 5 gallon jug??? and roughly how many months till reaping???..thanks for ur help again Gazzette really appreciate it...=]

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
yeah i haven't messed with them and ur right im very excited....do u think it can mature and grow in a 5 gallon jug??? and roughly how many months till reaping???..thanks for ur help again Gazzette really appreciate it...=]
depending what hemisphere you're in. I'm in the northern and I will plant about 2nd week in may to avoid last frost and should harvest in latter part of september thru october

Space Angel

Well-Known Member
im inn socal...=]
we have to determine how many hrs of sunlight to vegatate. to little, will throw you plant into bloom 12/12. need to provide more than 12 hrs a day of sunlight, like 14-16 hrs a day or more, but we won't achieve that status until june or there abouts.
so does that mean i need to grow inside???
i dont have room what can be the outcome of my plant if i put it in dirt on monday???


Well-Known Member
hey guys i'm a new grower and i have never tried this b4 and i was just wondering if someone can really walk me through my first experience...My friends gave me a bunch of good looking seeds. i take criticism very well and would really appreciate someones help...thanx for your time and hope to hear from you experienced growers...:weed:
I will also be guerilla growing, so I can " walk you through". And answer questions, ask away if you have specific questions, cause you can find all the obvious you need on this site and many others already written out. Good luck, I have a thread, but journal hasnt started yet and no pics are up. You are more than welcome to follow along when I start. It is Outdoor Guerilla Fun 2010. God Bless, good luck


New Member
k so im gonna pu them into dirt in a few min is there anything i need to know??
I assume you used the paper towel/bag trick to germinate, just follow the rest of the advice from that post, it was a good one.

The roots will need air, so let the soil dry out pretty thoroughly before rewatering. You might consider keeping a seedless cup around that you keep constantly watered just to use as a weight gauge. If the cups with seedlings feel as heavy as the seedless cup, don't water. Once they have dried out and are lighter, water. You can use tap water but make sure to leave it out for 24 hours so any chlorine in the tap watwer evaporates.

Also, gradually introduce your seedlings to natural sunlight as the get bigger. You cannot move them from a cfl to sunlight without a lot of stress.

Pictures would help. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I always like to start my seedlings inside or close by me if im ever gonna plant outside. I kept My plants in little pots for 2-3 weeks to get them started before I put them outside.


New Member
whats the lowest watt bumb i can use and it will still grow fine just for the first month???
You will want at least 25 watts of CFLs in the 6500K spectrum for veg (it will list that infoon the package). Incandescents are useless, as they produce light in a spectrum that we see well but plants find useless. I veg my plants under 26 watt floros (100 watt equivalent) and they do fine for the first 3 weeks or so before they need more light. You want to get the CFLs as close as possible to the plant without burning it, as light intensity diminishes rapidly with increased distance. I keep mine at about 1-3 inches or so.
now i want to keep the plant small i dont want it to get too out of control...i'll be happy with an oz what are some helthy ways i can keep the plant small???


Active Member
look up some topping a fimming techniques. It's very simple and will keep your plants short and bushy.