Worth Saving? Drying, rusting, dying - had to cut leaves off

Do you think this plant is even worth saving?

The leaves started wilting, then burning, then turned slightly orange. See first two pics. Then I figured it to be a ph problem with nute lockout that I didn't take care of soon enough, recently flushed it though with water about a week ago.

BUT......look at the third pic as it's seeming to have good new growth. It's two weeks into flowering, and you can see the start of the flower right at the top. This be bubba kush strain. Keep or axe? Deal or no deal?

250w MH, nutri grow soil, any other questions ask.

I will be able to research how to fix it, but am really only looking for a professional or experienced opinion if I should keep it or not - then I'll figure out the rest on my own. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Keep it. You might want to chop off those little side branches peeping out at the bottom. They will never yield much.
Oh yeah, also a whole bunch of the bottom level of branches literally died - wilted and shirivelled then i pulled the branches off, they literally just came off. But now maybe once it went thru it's troubles and I pulled off all the super dead crap it still has a chance? Remember it is 2 weeks into flower.......


Well-Known Member
Well, it's not just going to just up and suddenly die now. It might not give you the greatest yield; it's kind of a weird looking plant, but I've grown worse. Might as well finish up, because what else you got going?

jeff f

New Member
hell yes keep it. you got the problems solved and thats a pretty good looking indica. the buds have barely even started. you should get pretty decent results provided it doesnt happen again.


Active Member
Def keep the plant. I don't know how it got so bad. Watch what your doing with PH and ferts. I don't know what those little peep plants are at bottom. Plant is starting to look nice. Could get some nice smoke out of this. Keep us posted.
Shit..... I have bad news..... the top 1/4 of the plant I just noticed started to get sacs/balls. Due to the stress I think it has become a tranny! Now I really don't know if I should manicure it (tweeze the nut sacs) or not - I have one other strong female and I don't want to contaminate her....... any suggestions? 2 plants total - don't know if it's worth messing up my other one which is 100% healthy and strong 2 weeks into flower.......
Hehehhe I feel so dirty.... j/k, but check out it's balls! I'm so disappointed - it was from feminized seeds, but I think the stress got to it! It starts about 3/4 the way up the plant, and the new growth has it unfortunately. I wouldn't want it to ruin my other female.... what to do what to do...... hmmmmm.....
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