Worth it to buy quality genetics? What strain should I pick?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I started my grow like a year ago, and have had a couple harvests. I've encountered numerous problems, and still am for anyone thats been following my threads. I wanted to hold off on getting a clone or seeds because I didn't want to ruin some expensive seeds as I learned the ropes. I don't think i'm quite there yet, but I am cloning and keeping the best bag seed genetics i've started so far, so I don't think I should wait any longer. If I get some good genetics right now i may not be able to make the most of it by harvest time, but I will keep the genetic line alive by doing clones so I think my fear of "wasting" $30 on some good seeds is moote now.

So that brings me to the questions of ...

What kind of strain should I get? I know it depends on what im looking for, and I don't need it for a REAL medical reason or anything. I just want high quality weed to get me and my friends BLASTED. Probably some kind of hybrid to get the best of both worlds.

So whats easy to grow indoor for a beginner that will be good?

And will it even be worth it? Will the quality really be that much better than bagseed (given that I will be the grower uses the exact same environment and conditions)?

What company should I go with?

I see some that sell the "mystery" pouch of seeds, but I kinda want to know what im getting into. I dont want to limit myself to a single strain though if possible. Maybe I should just start with one, then as I learn it would be worth it to acquire more?

The sim's Bob Newbie

Well-Known Member
Nirvana or Paradise...I know "Ice Cream" and "Jacky White" kick arse, I prefer the Jacky White personally...or theres Nebula or Sensi Star. Nirvana do some nice ones - they do "White Widow" and "Northern Lights" if you're after popular names...I think "Northern Lights" comes up as an easy-for-beginners strain which has a decent yield...also as its your first go, I'd suggest going for feminised seeds.

Oh yeah - you COULD try pick'n'mix which is basically single seeds at single prices, but some of them can be an expensive fuck-up if it goes wrong...

Seedsman are one of the cheapest IME - £15 for 10 regular seeds (slightly cheaper than Nirvana)...maybe get 2 packs and try 2 strains at once?


Active Member
Good genetics are worth every penny when compared to bag seed. A good grower shouldn't be making any weed with seeds since it's so easy to prevent so that will drastically reduce the quality you get. Buy some decent feminized seeds, save up some money for a good lamp, and ventilation, and you'll grow way better weed than you could currently buy. After you have a good harvest on your own you'll never go back to buying it.

Brick Top

New Member
If you want true quality it will cost you more than $30.00 for a pack of beans. I would suggest something from Reeferman's line or Shantibaba's (Mr. Nice Seeds) line or Sensi Seeds line or Sagarmatha's line. If you decide to stick with inexpensive beans a decent value is Green House Seeds TrainWreck. It is not the pinnacle of pot, but for the price what you receive is a decent value.

There are few strains that are really all that difficult to grow but if ease is important, the original Skunk #1 would be something worth considering. It will stand up to a lot of abuse and it's potency is definitely respectable. Because it is so easy to grow and packs a punch when smoked, for years it was advertised as maybe being the only strain that is easier to grow than it is to smoke.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I'm balls deep in my grow already. Got a cfl chamber set up for veg. Got a 400 watt hps set up with a cool tube for the flower chamber. I didnt want to spend $30 on some white widow only to turn around and kill it, or have a super shitty harvest with it, so I started on bagseed (and am currently doing bagseed. gonna harvest 2 plants in a couple weeks. Got another 2 coming probably 4-6 weeks after that).

Since i've been so successful with cloning and vegging I think my concerns about wasting the money on killing my plants doesn't matter anymore.

Any other suggestions? I've been browsing nirvanas selection. I want something easy to grow. I like the idea of the "5 feminized mystery pack". Won't know what they are, but i'll have variety. Don't know if thats over extending myself to try to get so many strains though.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
If you want true quality it will cost you more than $30.00 for a pack of beans. I would suggest something from Reeferman's line or Shantibaba's (Mr. Nice Seeds) line or Sensi Seeds line or Sagarmatha's line. If you decide to stick with inexpensive beans a decent value is Green House Seeds TrainWreck. It is not the pinnacle of pot, but for the price what you receive is a decent value.

There are few strains that are really all that difficult to grow but if ease is important, the original Skunk #1 would be something worth considering. It will stand up to a lot of abuse and it's potency is definitely respectable. Because it is so easy to grow and packs a punch when smoked, for years it was advertised as maybe being the only strain that is easier to grow than it is to smoke.
Ease is of importance just because im having so much trouble getting something decent out of my grows now. I know its not all due to genetics though, im making mistakes left and right. But I anticipated making tons of mistakes. You can tell me about pH all day, but until I have some experience with different soils and nutes, and see the effects of changing pH I really won't have the same understanding of it. With that being said I consider myself somewhat of a green thumb, just learning the ropes for a new plant.

I just checked out greenhouse seeds and they dont ship to the USA.


Well-Known Member
yes sims bob the attitude is the joint carrying a lot of shit lately lot of new and resent shit like sub cool and cali connection and they do carry greenhouse give you free bens and have monthly specials cant beat that a big player ......how you like my avatar

good luck


Well-Known Member
gotta throw in my obligatory http://www.sanniesshop.com/ link :) You will find a large selection of his own genetics, as well as Motarebel's genetics, and genetics from a select group of breeders that sannie works with. He's one of the few large scale breeders who is easily accessible, and is a great guy. The only shop where I am 100% confident that no matter what happens he will take care of you; I've never heard anyone say anything otherwise, ever.

nirvana and attitude are really the main clearing-houses (they sell from a plethora of breeders).

Those are the three I personally would trust.


Well-Known Member
this is a cut and paste from 1st Marijuna Growers Page

Advanced topic of growing marijuana seeds, How do I clone using rockwool? . Use quality cannabis seeds genetics for 90% germination rate, stable vigorous cannabis plants and potent yields according to cannabis seeds strain specification. The quality of the marijuana seeds strain genetics determine 90% of your expected yield amount and potency.


Active Member
I'd recommend Pure Power Plant by Nirvana, It supposed to pack quite a punch, I'm about a week into flowering it (My first grow). Its a little bit finicky, but forgiving at the same time. I had some problems with mine (learning curve not the strain) in the beginning, but they recovered and are doing great.