what on earth is dude talking about saying ex, a term i hate, it's e, has the most crap in it?? if you get good e, it should be nothing more than plain old mdma, which in itself is one of the least harmful drugs out there..
now if you're taking some garbage cut pills, that is another story, but yet they don't have the most crap on them of all drugs, far from it.. how do you think cocaine is synthesized?? that's right, they use kersonsene, good stuff to be sticking up you're nose..
and not so long ago in my local city, the heroin was being cut with phentynal, another lovely substance, far worse than any thing one may find in a simple e pill or two.. this is the stuff that they give you for surgeries and tell you to count backwards from 100 and by the time you hit 95 you're out cold.. try adding that on top of some heroin, and tell me you'd not rather be rolling on some lovely e...
and like someone else has already said, all drugs are about equal.. it's just when you let one or another take control of your life that they can become bad or evil.. even then, it's not so much the drugs, but rather what one allows them to do to them..