• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

worst drug youve ever done


Well-Known Member
The 2cs are 4-substituted 2,5 dimethoxyphenethylamine their effects are primarily because of their effects on the 5HT2a serotonin receptors.


Well-Known Member
Yea smokey,I got a lot of 25c blotters I'm holding onto..ate the hell outta em when I first got em..fun stuff for like a tuues night or a movie trip...very predictable drug...and fun!


Well-Known Member
i some lsd blotter, from a very reliable chemist, my friend who is about
15 yrs older than me and has alot more exp said he did half of these
so called double hits, and was going for 12 hours, not sure if im ready for that
mabee i am, but not my girlfriend, im worried about her doing it


Well-Known Member
I love acid. :) You guys are making me want to pick up my hallucinatory habit again.

Nuts itching like poison ivy sounds fucking horrible.:shock:


Well-Known Member
gotta say BENEDRYL worst drug ever. i know its by far the most retarded drug to do all the cough medicine shit is retarded other then "Lean" which is like an opiate high i believe. and people will say your retarded for even doing that but like a couple of these stories i was 14 and was my first and last time experimenting with over the counter dumbshit. I have had solid trips on shrooms and had some pretty Vivid scary trips on salvia. once passed around 60x with like 15 ppl and saw everyone go through there trip, some "hardcore" dealers drooling and shaking begging for help and shit and coming out of it 5 mins later like what happened. pretty wild. but bendryl still takes the cake for craziest shit BY FAR.

so my 2 good friends whom i had pioneered a couple drugs with already and I had half day and were looking to get a bottle of Liqour some how. called a couple of our 21+ friends,our parents to anal about their liquor to steal from so it was to no avail. so they had had good trips i guess anyway with this shit because they had done b4 and were suggesting to do it again. so my buddy goes and buys a 100 bottle of benadryl and comes back, they go and take theyre 1/3 of the bottle in a laundrymat bathroom and came out and gave me the last like 34ish and i really sat there contemplating even as a dumb ass 14 yr old willing to do almost anything i was like... this aint right lol but peer pressure is a motha fucka.

so i threw em all in it was like a baseball in my mouth literally my mouth was so full like 3-4 fell out, they were like pick em up i was like fuck that and my weird ass friend just picked em right up and took em(the same kid ends up in a coma later in the day lol). so i swallow lets say 30 with some gateorade. and we walk for about 30 mins wondering where to go for the trip, and im asking them how its gonna be as they've experienced similar stuff already and i think one of them had actually done like 20 bendryl b4 so he knew pretty accurately how it was gonna be, only it was about 150% more intense... just like the dose lol

so anyway we go to a field hockey game thats going on and we chill for like mins and then it started pretty subtley. the grass was blowing in the wind seemed almost digital, like pixels, just mad weird. so im like alright queers lets get out of here (there was like 200ppl there and i prefer to trip with a much smaller crowd lol) so we went to a park near by and sat on these benches and tripped sackkk for about an hr. jumping felt like the moon, and im a pretty big dude so i dont jump high but idk something was off with our gravity perception cuz when you jumped it was like airy and floaty type. and when you looked @ your hand and your fingers specifically each hand had 10 fingers, not additional fingers i just wasnt seeing clearly, like if you look @ someone and see 2 of them, each hand was looking like 2 hands right next to each other.... hard to explain. anyway we sit @ these benches and im like super tripping. along the way a girl friend of ours had found us and we told her the deal and she chilled with us (IDK why anyone would have @ that point but whatev) and when she talked it was like she was whispering in my ear and it sounded like a tin can in my head like really echoey but like metal echoey very odd. so i decide to go try to throw up a couple of these bad larries. lol so i go over to this trash can and start shoving my hand down my throat. i usually have a very sensetive back of tounge like brushing my teeth can make me gag but i was able to shove like my whole hand in there another very odd side effect. so long story short with that wasnt able to make my self throw up after about 20 mins of trying. like 10 ft in front of us is a playground so im sure X amount of ppl witnessed the event. pretty sure i saw too dudes laughing @ me but might have been the trip, still dont know to this day. so i go back to my friends, sitting there the whole time. and idk how much time passes but the girl leaves and my boys mom calls him and picks him up. within about 20 mins of him getting picked up his mom calls my other buddy to tell him our friend looks like he slipped into coma and shes going to hospital. So my buddy hangs up and tells me and right after he told me we were like O shit, but then it was like it never happened. i still knew he was in a coma but idk i like instantly accepted and moved on it was really weird.

so me and the remaining hallucinating friend decided to head home as the trip had obv gone south. so he goes one way i go the other, my girlfriend actually worked close by. so i walked like half a mile to her work, the whole time im walking im talking and joking with someone i thought was there but turns out i walked there alone (so crazy) mind u im ...in my and anyones opinion like 98% sane this is just honestly how bat shit crazy the trip was. so i get to my girlfriend, and tell her the deal (she works by herself in the afternoon) and shes like well take the bus home and just go chill u know, wtf else was she gonna say im tripping sack @ her work. so luckily the bus stop is right in front of her work i catch the bus, walk on the bus and instantly drop my back pack @ the door and walk to the back without paying. and i swear on my life if this childhood friend who lived close to me was not on this bus i prolly woulda got kicked off the bus or god knows what would have happened lets say i somehow produced this $1 out of my universe of pockets i prolly wouldnt have taken my own bus stop (which he convienently took the same one). but so i sit next to this kid and the driver is like "U gonna Take this bag and pay?" and the kid instantly was like you alright? and i prolly blank stared Huge pupils and shit and he went and grabbed my bag and payed the 1$ (thank god) so we ride the bus first i think i spot a friend of mine sitting on the bus in the front so i scream the name out and no response, didnt even glance in my direction, so i scream the name out again, and my buddies like yo who u talking to, and i say the name hes like nah i dont see them on the bus. i look back... no shit its a 60 yr old man sitting where i thought my friend was sitting. so then i decide to shut the fuck up b4 i get thrown into mental hospital. and i only manage to only whisper a couple intermittent crazy things to my friend on the like 5 mile bus ride home. so we get off @ the stop and my dude has to walk by my house to get home, thats how clutch it was hes on the bus, so as we get to my house hes like you wanna come ride out your trip a lil @ my crib b4 going home so you dont get busted? prolly woulda been smart but for some reason i got this like Eye of the storm type feeling where i was seeing clear momentarily.(very momentarily) so im like nah man thanks for the bus but im gonna go in and sleep and shit. so i go in, and no shit the second i walk in the house my old man says "you drunk?" i musta been flushed and looking crazy or sumthing but they knew right off the rip. but i was like "no im fine" and walk to my room. i have a pretty good size room i shared with my older brother. he was sleeping for his overnight shift and i lay down and @ first i saw my brother in bed with one if his good guy friends (hes not Gay) so im geeking on him giving him shit and wake him up obv, and hes like "what shut the fuck up kid im sleeping" so i shut up for a lil and just trip looking @ cieling. so i look back @ him and hes with his Ex Gf. (it didnt strike me @ all @ the time that he had just gone from his good guy friend to his ex gf in moments without me seeing anyone come in or out) so im a fan of his current GF @ the time so im given him shit being like oooo ur girls gonna kill u. and again he wakes up and is like " what the fuck is the matter with you dude are you tripping" and i obv tell him the deal that im beyond tripping and hes like well go take a shower or something man try to shake it off. so i do that.

So i get in the shower and am just tripping, thinking, and i get like an itch or something on my eyebrow, so i reach up and itch it and there was hair on my hand.
so i reach back up and kinda like pull @ my eyebrow and all the hair comes off , painlessly so that freaks me out and i assume its a side effect of all the pills on my hair follicles or soomething and i instantly go to my head and pull some, again effortlessly and painless a hand full of hair comes out. go i go to my pubes which i could actually see as i pulled and i literally pulled everyone one out without any sensation of feeling like my hair was coming out until it was bald, and then i saw it go down the drain. and after that i was like i better stop before i like look any crazier then i prolly already do. so after that, just like my buddy in the coma thing(im gonna get back to that) i instantly accepted and moved on that i had just like branded myself mad weirdly with my hair.(no hair was actually pulled it was a part of the trip which i didnt comprehend @ the time) so i get out of shower and get dressed bla bla and my dad calls me to table to see if i was tryna eat dinner or whatever when the phone rang. it was the sherriffs dept calling, they had picked up my other friend tripping balls and convinced him that he and my comatose friend were most likely gonna die so to give them my name so they could try and save me and him tripping sack believed him. so they callled my house and told my old man the deal and said they should prolly call ambulance but either way get me to hospital.

Bla bla, cut a couple paragraphs to shorten a tad.

ULTIMATELY i came back to reality and left the ER @ about midnight.(we started tripping @ about 2pm) and my other buddy left close to that time.
my Coma friend who i found out later had already tripped on over the counter shit 3x that week one of the times being the day before this day....so we agreedd
he deserved a lil time in a coma woke up i think 2 or 3 days later. he said he tripped hard as ball the whole time until he woke up...i cant imagine lol we all were back in school about a week later and we had an assembly about over the counter meds... no names were said lol. also we were the motivation for the soon after legislation in our city making it necessary to be 18 to buy over the counter shit. my dad still calls it the ***** Law after my buddy who went in the coma haha (hes hilarious)

So kids benedryl the worst, although it prolly makes for a good story, it could of had a MUCH worse ending i guess.
But this is RIU not halucinagenic confessionals. Grow and Smoke on people, peace and love.



Well-Known Member
shit dude thats a long ass story
took me like an hr to type.. i did it mostly for Skuxxy or watever his name is. he was saying hes competitve and likes to have the best hallucination story... good luck man ull die trying to beat that one. scared me from hallucinogenics for good lol


Well-Known Member
Yea...the diphenhydramine....lol...sounds like when my brother took 5 hits of heavy acid and went to the e.r...lol


Well-Known Member
Smokey..I got a half sheet of fluff for my head..but I get spun a lot..and when I do get spun,I GET SPUN. The 2Cs get me almost spun but not a 15 hour 10 strip kinda trip...id go for the L...I take the 2Cs when I don't have the time to really trip..kinda like a daytime nap when I really wanna saw some logs...


Well-Known Member
well rory, i am pretty used to taking things to a higher level, well through out my time,
ive played with a couple of thes c's lol as well as many other reasearch products,
yet i have only done lsd 2 times,and i am really wanting to.do a hit of this double.
im conserned about her doing some, even tbough weve done mushrooms before,
what you think, mabee.cut one in half?


Well-Known Member
HELL NO!!!... Eat 2 hits of L at least..my friends have a policy..5 hits at least..terrence says 'dont diddle the dose'...for real..eat two..thank me later..(be safe tho,have a friend with you)


Well-Known Member
Btw..'double dosed' is bullshit lingo for:'strong acid,sold to inexperienced people'...just lettin ya know..can't add water to a lake...


Well-Known Member
im not doubting you at all rory lol, the most ive done is 2, my.good friend is around
thirty something, and plays with this stuff all the time. he.took 1 and lasted 12 hours
problem being is.i.dont haveanybody i trust enough to.come watch, due to my
greenthumb circumstances lol, on a sec note its free lol


Well-Known Member
Ahh bro you'll be fine..its just lsd...you'll come down..take it and have fun in your garden! Leaves moving in the fans breeze is allways visually stimulating...


New Member
iv done acid it was great i swear i could hear what others were saying from 40 feet away from them was some crazy shit (at a freepartyofcourse).
shrooms was a highlight of summer last year for me it was the best experience.

done all the main party drugs like speed coke shrooms acid e's 2cb they were great. but gave up partying well over a year ago . i see friends who still get the party line and go every weekend and to me its just sad its like all they do every weekend haha

but back to the main point of this thread

worst drug ever done by me . is methadrone ............. its nasty and it burns the fuck out of your nose ... stay away from that shit . the uk is riddled with it ..