worst day of my life


Well-Known Member
this is long, im sorry, but its funny as hell

ok fellow bud tokers aight im just gunna get on with the story. on halloween me, my girl , and my boyz go to this party befor we hit this college party and long story short, i knocked out this drunk guy that kept talkin to me and fucking up my sneakers, my boy got arrested because him and my other friend, decided that it was a good idea to leave the party and go to another party to bring bitches to the original one, 15 min befor we had to leave to the college. so they were caught speeding, with alcohol not only in their systems but in the car, and the drinve only had a junior license so he was past the time to drive. so a cop calls my cell phone talkin about how he is giving my boy a break and that if we can find somebody 18 and over to drive his car back den he will let him go with a warning. im 20, my gf is 19 so we can drive, the problem is, my frind who got arrested was our ride! so now were rrunning around the party tryin to find somebody to drop us off and the only person who can give us a ride, is the guy who is throwin the party. and all of the cars in his driveway were parked infront of him so he took forever for get people to get UNhigh and UNdrunk, and move their cars so he can get out and once we got the cars out the way and were about to get in, guess who strolls up the driveway, my two friends. im like yo wtf and i snatch him up and im pissed off because i told him that he shouldnt go anyway cuz we had 15 min to get to the college party and gettin his dick wet was apparently more important than his freedom so i said fuck u, and i look for the closest person with weed. i got this (what he said anyway) kush, sour D mix that looked like shake and he sold it to me for 20. then i realized, had nothing to roll it with, so i take a black and mildFT(filterd) and i try to roll it with that, but i couldnt cuz i didnt have anything to pack it with and i was outside and my hands were freezin. so i said fuck it lets go to the party and we'll get a dutch on the way. befor we go one of my boys says, "oh shit wheres my sidekick" and he says that he left it inside so were looking all over it, and my gf is yellin at ppl talking about she gunna fuck up whoever has it(yea she my lil gangsta). and we called it and it was turned off so we figured it was long gone. so we try to leave but i gotta take my friends bottle of Deserono and i was like "come here boy, fallow the bottle" so he fallowed me to the car, and everybody gets in. in the car i noticed somthin on the floor, its a bottle of bacardi(i found out it was my Ex's and my boy gave her a ride home from the other party) so we head out and we get a dutch at this bodega and we hit the I95 goin about 100 miles per our. i chugged half a bottle of bacardi razz and rolled the most perfect blunt ever. and it was hard cuz my boy was turning so hard and at times i dropped weed on my lap, ramed mychest into the paper and all at the same time poor gf is holding a cellphone over the blunt so i have light. so i roll the blunt and just in time cuz we get to the college and were at the security gate and there were these kids who got bagged with weed so the cops were there checkin every car for bud and liquor!!!!so im like shit imma bout to eat it, and my boy is like put it in ur shoe, im like yo its a blunt not a bag!! u just cant put it in your shoe!! and my boy comes outta no where right as the cop asks us to get outta the car and says that were with him and he lets us go in. so we get down to the parking lot and im like yo is there anywhere i can light this bad boy up?> and my boy is like "why don't u just smoke in the parking lot" i told him that he was an idiot, that this is a university and u just cant smoke in wide open, and he is like your so paranoid, and as he said that security came and put the spot light on us, and obveously i rubbed it inand i put the blunt in my shirt pocket, then this skunk came outta nowhere and sprayed this dude who plays football for the college and security was so destracted i told everybody to walk to the door. so me and my girl and my boy go out on the balcony to smoke the blunt and my other boy asked if he could get a hit and i told him no cuz he was an idiot lol. and we smoked until security came and were all layin down on the balcony so he dont see us and im like man fuck this im gunna smoke when i get hime, and i put it out. we went back to my boy's dorm and there were these girls kissing and eating eathother out. and my girl is so high, she says yo its a orgi, and one of the girls go " u kno what i dont feel comfortable anymore" and they left and everybody was pissed at me!! when i got home not only did my 2 boys crash at my house and cock block me and my girl, but i smoked the weed and it actually got me high, and i just chalked this up to be one of the worst days ever..........

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
OMG.... the 'ENTER' key.... find it.... use it :lol:

Way to high right now to parse that into something I can understand.... maybe tomorrow ;)


Well-Known Member
for real, that was the most confusing story ever.
anyways, i don't know if that could really pass for the worst day ever, maybe just an interesting one.


it might have taken me 20 minutes less time to read if it was in english but it was a good story


Well-Known Member
lol sorry u guys, i smoked a couple of hours ago and im so burnt, and fuckin.......damn oh yea, umm sorry i wassent clear with the story, oh yea my friend found his sidekick in the car lol.


Well-Known Member
for real, that was the most confusing story ever.
anyways, i don't know if that could really pass for the worst day ever, maybe just an interesting one.
no it really was the worst day ever, i left alot of stuff out cuz it would of went on for miles. but every time i tried to smoke my blunt somethin happend, so i was pissed. pluss i wound up breakin 3 black and milds tryin to pack it in cuz i didnt have any paper.


Well-Known Member
no it really was the worst day ever, i left alot of stuff out cuz it would of went on for miles. but every time i tried to smoke my blunt somethin happend, so i was pissed. pluss i wound up breakin 3 black and milds tryin to pack it in cuz i didnt have any paper.
haha. oh, alright.