Worried mom


Active Member
My little girls are looking great, I think, but I am worried that I am not doing something right because of things my "Growble" says. I am growing 4 plants, 2 Dutch Amnesia Haze, and 2 that I am not sure of. I bought all the seeds at High Quality Seed Bank in Amsterdam while I was there, and the package said something with the name Buddha. It was either laughing buddha or big buddha cheese, but I'm not sure. Anyway, the two haze plants aren't doing that great. They have droopy leaves, but they are still growing, so we'll see. The two buddha plants on the other hand are growing beautifully, but I'm not sure now that I have read the book. I had them in two solo cups where they shot up, and today I transplanted them into a 3-gallon container because I saw the roots at the bottom of the cup. I am also using a t5 fluorescent light that is 4 feet and has 2 lamps. It gives off 10,000 lumens. I just installed the light yesterday, because I had been using crappy fluorscents from home depot, but the plants really seem to be happy about it. I spray them with a water bottle every day, but not too much, because they were in that small container. I will spray more now, I suppose. Now that I have explained all of that, here is my "maybe" dilema. Both of the healthy Buddha plants are about 4 inches tall. Each one has already sprouted its seed leaves, and they each have one true leaf. The "true leaves" are about 3/4 of an inch. The book I am reading says that they should be over the sides of the cup already. I have only been growing since the 8th. The day before the seeds soaked for 24 hours, then got planted in a solo cup, and the next day they were already popping up. The height of the plant now (4 inches) and the small leaves has me wondering if I am messing them up. Shouldn't they already have more leaves? I'm sorry if that is a dumb question, but I have looked all over the messege boards here and online to see if someone had day by day pics or something, but I haven't found anything. Any help is GREATLY appreciated! :joint:


Active Member
all plants are going to grow different to the light and the soil and mostly the seed will make the difference the Strain but it dosnt sound like your doing anything wrong i mean without pics it is hard to tell


Active Member
yeah, i thought pics would be needed. i will post some when my fiance gets home and shows me how to use his hightech camera.


Well-Known Member
Droopy leaves could be over watering, they will probably grow better with more light 10,000 lumens isn't a whole lot for 4 plants.


Active Member
yah i would also add a couple lights if i where you i have 2 tubes aswell and 8 cfls for 4 plants and the cfls are 60 watt bulbs and a 400 watt hps


Well-Known Member
I would ease up on the spraying. Just water them when they get dry....once every 4 days maybe? Maybe a light spray mist about an hour before the lights come on every once in a while but not too often.


Well-Known Member
first of all, put the "growble" in your closet and stop reading it.

stop spraying your plants, the reason the haze are drooping is because they are overwatered which is very bad for plants but easy to fix! just let them dry out!

you need more lighting, but that will work fine for veg, but when it is time to flower you'll need at least twice that amount.

in the mean time let your plants dry out, let the soil dry all the way through.

then give them a healthy watering (but don't soak/flood) AT THE SOIL. do not water again until the soil has dried out and the container is very light.

repeat this process indefinitely, start adding 1/2 strength nutrients (fertilizer) at week 3.

don't worry about whether or not your leaves are "over the side of the cup" etc, this sounds really arbitrary and no you probably arne't doing everything right and your lighting isn't very strong but that's okay it will grow just fine and dandy.

relax and let the plant do its thing. at 8 days they are barely even alive, don't over-mother them.


Active Member
hey guys,
sorry, my camera wont charge for some reason. i am going to a concert tonight though, so afterwards i will get my fiance to take the pics with his camera. so, it has been about 5 days since i posted and the plants have gotten bigger. they have sprouted their 2nd set of 'true leaves' and they are getting pretty tall. well, the big buddha ones are really shooting up.. they have grown 2 inches, so they are at 6 inches now. the haze plant is still small, but it has grown bounds since my last post, and it is about 3 1/2 inches. The leaves on all the plants look healthy, except for one, which is drooping a little. I think it is because of overwatering as the guy above said. it was also on the outskirts of the light, which may have contributed. i wasn't overwatering it that much, i actually thought i was underwatering it, but you know how fickle these plants are. anyway, i promise to post as soon as i can with the pics. bongsmilie