Wormy Related Question

Big Kakuna

Active Member
Two days ago i planted a seed in some soil from my Veggie garden,(growing Veggies for two yrs now) as i was digging up soil, i noticed a shit load of worms, i mean i was picking up one with every bit of soil i took.

So i was wonder if it was possible to collect the worms and place like 5 or 6 in a pot filled with the garden soil, and let the worms cast away in the pot till i have to transplant.

Does anyone think this would work?


Well-Known Member
tis a damn good idea,it is some thing i do all the time when growing in pots..
i also mix in some organic material and mulch the top of the pot.
the worms are happy your plants are happy.
just make sure the worms have always got some organic matter to feed upon