worms in used coco?

I've done some research and so far haven't been able to come up with a solid answer. So I'm just wondering if anyone has every put worms in coco after it has been used? Lets assume the coco would be reused. I was thinking that by putting worms in it for a few weeks or month or so, they would eat the old roots that are left behind after getting the majority of the root mass out. If they eat then they have to poo right? So would it be worth the extra "free" organic nutes? Or a big waste of time. Thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
I've done some research and so far haven't been able to come up with a solid answer. So I'm just wondering if anyone has every put worms in coco after it has been used? Lets assume the coco would be reused. I was thinking that by putting worms in it for a few weeks or month or so, they would eat the old roots that are left behind after getting the majority of the root mass out. If they eat then they have to poo right? So would it be worth the extra "free" organic nutes? Or a big waste of time. Thoughts anyone?

Wouldn't it be easier, especially when the grow is over, to just have a worm bin and add your own juice?


Well-Known Member
I've done some research and so far haven't been able to come up with a solid answer. So I'm just wondering if anyone has every put worms in coco after it has been used? Lets assume the coco would be reused. I was thinking that by putting worms in it for a few weeks or month or so, they would eat the old roots that are left behind after getting the majority of the root mass out. If they eat then they have to poo right? So would it be worth the extra "free" organic nutes? Or a big waste of time. Thoughts anyone?
I'm not an expert on worms, but I didn't think they eat roots(good thing for plants huh)

When I did re-use coco, I would add an enzyme product. I never did try the cheaper enzymes(sure they work fantastic) but I did try Hygrozyme, cannazyme, and sensizyme. I'm not positive that the enzymes helped, but I never had any problems. In fact, the second run with coco, was always really good. Maybe even better then the first run. I would only re-use it one time though, due to all kinds of deficiencies that can happen if re-used more than once. Everytime I re-used two times, I regretted it.

Some people claim to have great results from cutting their reused coco 50/50 with new coco.
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Well-Known Member
i use canna zym. it is pretty simple and has served me well for multiple cycles. i leave them to dry a few days under the lights and once the main stem comes out all that's left in the pot is plant food

I use hydrozone aka hydrogaurd, and also use cannazym. Worms do eat plant roots but not live roots only dead ones from what I understand. Some people put worms right in the pots with the plants, however I do not plan on doing that. I have a bin that i keep the used coco in and thought maybe putting worms in it before I used it again would help,I could be wrong in thinking that. Maybe I'll try it anyway, either works or doesn't work right? Not much to loose, only 2 months of wasted effort if not. Even if it didn't do any good does anyone think it would be bad?
Lol I could care less about the worms, unless they die without me noticing, that could be stinky. Just don't want to kill my plants for trying something new ya know.


Well-Known Member
Ive re-used coco 3-4 times. I use 8ml/gal of hygrozyme every watering from start to finish and with a few good flushings at the end with runoff around 100-200 (water ppm of 75 at the faucet) so essentially a runoff ppm of 25-125 and never have had issues re-using. All of my veg garden is in super old coco (5th time) and is loving it!!
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