worm collecting


Well-Known Member
i have been cleaning my chicken coops run outside and found the whole ground is matted with worms like purple fat fast as fek worms allover the place haha soil is sooooo rich and is was fooked last year lol, go chickens, my worm bins are next to the chickens i use it in my yard veggies , but worms all hopped in a storm into the chickens and arer happily breeding in balls allover like texan tumble weeds

is there any difference in collecting them and adding them to my INDOOR grow to buying them online?
im about for buy like £40s of worms cause im thinking ''bug free clean good worm farm must be better than my dirty buggy garden'' but there all in soil ? all probly outside or in sheds also,... so is there risk of desease adding worms from my garden pile compost worm bin and chicken coop run?
As long as they're composting worms you should be good, nightcrawlers are more for aeration than composting.

Chicken feed is considered part of a "fattening" diet for breeding worms so that combined with the manure explains the population growth (and soil fertility)
It's hard for me to collect many worms between the ducks and chickens lol so it's a work in progress here lol going very slow a handful at a time