worm bin and insects

No, specify Laying Mash. There are several 'grinds' like crumbles and I think, pellets for different feeders or methods of feeding.

There is also several types of chicken feed with different purposes, but I don't know about them.

Laying Mash is geared towards egg production and amended to that end. It also seems to be the best for worm farming as well. I do know that other chicken feeds were tried as well before finding that laying mash worked best, as some of those worm farmers kept chickens as well.

Laying Mash is common as dirt since most keep chickens for egg production rather than for meat.

Got schooled a bit yesterday after visiting 3 different feed stores.

Apparently, "mash" is no longer available as a grind size. It used to be mash, crumbles, and pellets, in ascending size.

From observation, crumbles are slightly more coarse than what mash used to be, but nothing like the size of what used to be labeled crumbles.

The old crumbles are now slightly larger and are now labeled pellets

I did see one bag labeled "Extra Large" Pellets, which I think were the old pellets and just old stock being used up.

Anyway, I bought a 10lb bag of crumbles to check out and you pretty much have to do a SxS to tell them apart from mash. I put some out, but they should perform just as well.

I've tested the new pellet/old crumbles before. Just too large/coarse to perform well in the worm bin, so I saw no need to repeat that experiment.

Just a Heads-Up for everyone.