Worlds Strongest Strains?? THC content of 40-50%

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what I thought, just as all those threads....YOU CANT ANSWER my question ever.....and yet you wont realize.....too funny....peace out.

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Please correct me if I'm wrong understanding is, THC is produced in the trichs...there are 2-3? different types of trichs...not all types produce THC.

So if this is true, a strain with 30, 40, 50% THC content would have that many % of the THC producing trichs?


Active Member
i do believe this is a public forum and im the public ;) so y dont u leave ;) I guess everyone just HATES bcseeds for NO reason what so ever that there are 1000s of threads on Bcseeds being a scam... I see where u guys are coming from though.. I mean damn, If I spent the $$ u guys did, Id feel the need to defend them too ;)
lol i spent half of 90 bucks on my order from bcseeds and recieved 22 seeds... and then orderd another 300+ dollars of other strains from attitude and worldwidemarijuana. I honestly have my own personal seed bank at this point. you can call it what ever u want. but my order from bcseeds was a good deal.


Active Member
Please explain how screening the trichs is going to tell you content %? Can't understand your first paragraph?
Well when you screan it you get crystal off of it. having 100g and screaning it and weighing the crystal will give you an idea on how much crystal is in per 100g of bud and trimmings


Well-Known Member
Well when you screan it you get crystal off of it. having 100g and screaning it and weighing the crystal will give you an idea on how much crystal is in per 100g of bud and trimmings
first off its "screen" and second off that is just soooooo wrong.. plz id love to see you start a thread on this theory of urs..:roll:


Well-Known Member
lol i spent half of 90 bucks on my order from bcseeds and recieved 22 seeds... and then orderd another 300+ dollars of other strains from attitude and worldwidemarijuana. I honestly have my own personal seed bank at this point. you can call it what ever u want. but my order from bcseeds was a good deal.
yea i was reading that some of the seeds they sell wont even germinate. they are made like that. btw dont feel bad, I bought seeds from b4 my first grow and I defended them to the death... so honestly i see where ur coming from.. I even grew it to maturity.. after all the negative shit i read about it.. you know what i found in the end? EVERYONE was right....


Well-Known Member
heres a pic if u dont believe me..
it was suppose to be a "femanized White widow" turned out to be male...

one more pic.. i gtg now im sub'd though ;)
the one all the way to the right


Active Member
first off its "screen" and second off that is just soooooo wrong.. plz id love to see you start a thread on this theory of urs..:roll:
1 - I never said its not to give exact numbers I said "It Gives You An Idea"
2 - I never said what the numbers they say is the amount of the THC that is in 100g
3 - I will be growing one of their strain because I am willing to spend up to $200 on a strain and I will be doing the screening method to see what it will produce and try diffrent things out to see what gives the best result.
4 - Stop putting stuff into people's mouths that they never said
5 - How do we know if that's truly a male and not a female and how do we know if it was truly Ferminized? Is there a grow journal on here that its on?

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
Well when you screan it you get crystal off of it. having 100g and screaning it and weighing the crystal will give you an idea on how much crystal is in per 100g of bud and trimmings
Ya it will, but it's not an indication of how much THC is in those crystals.

From that first link JN811 posted...400 types of cannibinols. Tetra-Hydro being the one we love. So to measure the THC content you need to know how many of those cannibinols are Tetra-Hydro....Do I get a gold star or what?


Active Member
someone needs to do a grow with their top strain, .... we should start a group fund to get the seeds and debunk the mystery behind


Active Member
someone call the mythbusters.. i hear they are looking for ideas.. and they are based out of CA .... im just saying... god damn im so high off my blue tooth from


Active Member
That's what I'm plan on doing Dragon. I can't use HPS but I will put as much juice I can into the flowering area with CFLs that I can I won't get the best yeilds but at least it will give us some numbers to work with and its better then just what people say with no proof


Well-Known Member
Ya it will, but it's not an indication of how much THC is in those crystals.

From that first link JN811 posted...400 types of cannibinols. Tetra-Hydro being the one we love. So to measure the THC content you need to know how many of those cannibinols are Tetra-Hydro....Do I get a gold star or what?
hahaha wish i could rep ya again! :)
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