World of Seeds - Space


Well-Known Member
Only watched 2nd half n extra time Bayern thru it away without a doubt. Not a big fan of Chelsea but glad the Germans didn't win!!

good uv got the little fuckers under control. Av jst ran out of ripen so Goin to have to talk nice to mummy again lmao. The psycho smells amazing only 1 little plant for such a big smell lol.

Jst Goin to check on the bsbs see if anymore have revealed themselves lol

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
off to sing to the plants r we? haha my bsb got no tint to it really so far but imagine show more in the buds more then leaves mayb?


Well-Known Member
hey lads. i was bard as fuck yesterday, spewing like fuck. i had to man up today cos they needed watering lol. the misses is doing my daugters room out and she throwing away a cupboard thing that i might make into a mother room/box thingy


Well-Known Member
mr t. haha u drunk or ill yest or whitey?
not whitey ed in a good while. kinda miss it in a funny way haha
just ill mate. the mises and kids had it before me but i thought i got away with it. i havent had a whitey for about 10 years, i think i only had them when i mixed weed with drink
my day just seams to be getting worse. i just found a rip along the zip part of my tent


Well-Known Member
Evening lads how's tricks??

Got 2 confirmed ladies so jst waitin on the final 1 to show,am thinkin female goin by its bros n sis. Male showed fairly quickly. Got some purple comin through already on one of them,will b able to get a better pic in a dy or 2 me thinks...

Not good bein ill mr t these pills the doc gve me are fuckin crazy,proper nightmares wakin up every 40 mins or so. Goin to hve to go c him 2moz a think


Well-Known Member
i found the shit the doctors give you are much worse than the ilegal stuff i used to take. when i had pneumonia and a blood clot on my lung they pumped me full of weird shit for a week and then i was on warphrine thats supposed to be rat posion for 6 months

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
how do? so the bsb is a male for sure. grown more pods in a night then i thought poss. killed it off as leaves on it was lame.
the bigger bc still looks like shit really. 5 dead leaves on it today.
will have another good route around in tent tomoz n see wot can b done. defo more burn on it and ent had feed in a week? also the exo has alot less tip burn n closer to light so must been a feed related matter or salt build up. think i been to lazy last few weeks n plants showing it alittle
oh well 5 others still look sweet. noticed one the lil bc showing tip burn so defo over feed. was pushing them tho/ mistake i wont repeat

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
bio biz which i hear u can run full whack with no worrys n i manage burn them hahahaha
the mites man since them the plant looks like i been sleeping in it. not good for my ocd i want my tidy plant back hahah
will throw up pics tomoz so u can chuckle at my misfortune. its the biggest one out lot or least once was. will get on it tomoz n sort it all out.
yeah they had week water but the spray(spider mite) may took few days show damage i think as was a knock on effect spotting webs.
1st time i used cheap soil also to top pots off wen put in flower so mites may came from there also.
as long as the smaller bc and the beast off exo lives i b happy enough.
gotta treat again next week and worry it gunna kick them in again. debating to just use the plant vitality if i see any signs in future


Well-Known Member
Maybe needing a good feed then if been on the water for a wk, obviously not full whack lmao..... A wont be laughin at your misfortune matey dnt worry bout that, I'd run with jut that plant vitality chedz and a few others swear by the stuff. Av only had the problem once late on in flower, good thing was the equip wasnt mine n a moved out the flat so didnt bother sprayin, bit of a cut n run job lol.... They will live matey, jst goin to need a little time to recover from the raping, that plant vitality also relieves the stresses caused so that should ease them back to health in a wk or 2.

I just wish ma bsbs would be that little bit further on, if the GKxLivers hadnt got that fuckin dampenin of disease they'd be around 2-3 weeks into flower now in ma reckoning with ma other psycho about a week behind. Ma 5 week psycho's really fattening up now, havent bothered with the pk13/14 this time round, goin to see how it performs without boosters cos if am honest a didnt see any difference in ma last couple of plants. Another 2.5-3 weeks depending on when a can get a bottle of ripen n that'l be done ;-D


Well-Known Member
Maybe needing a good feed then if been on the water for a wk, obviously not full whack lmao..... A wont be laughin at your misfortune matey dnt worry bout that, I'd run with jut that plant vitality chedz and a few others swear by the stuff. Av only had the problem once late on in flower, good thing was the equip wasnt mine n a moved out the flat so didnt bother sprayin, bit of a cut n run job lol.... They will live matey, jst goin to need a little time to recover from the raping, that plant vitality also relieves the stresses caused so that should ease them back to health in a wk or 2.

I just wish ma bsbs would be that little bit further on, if the GKxLivers hadnt got that fuckin dampenin of disease they'd be around 2-3 weeks into flower now in ma reckoning with ma other psycho about a week behind. Ma 5 week psycho's really fattening up now, havent bothered with the pk13/14 this time round, goin to see how it performs without boosters cos if am honest a didnt see any difference in ma last couple of plants. Another 2.5-3 weeks depending on when a can get a bottle of ripen n that'l be done ;-D
how many rooms have you got cos thier all on different stages lol. i gave a mate some of the bubblegum and the cheeky fucker moaned saying it tasted like perfume and said i didnt flush them. hes the one that started growing acused me of ripping him off, killed the clones by buring them and had his money back


Well-Known Member
how many rooms have you got cos thier all on different stages lol. i gave a mate some of the bubblegum and the cheeky fucker moaned saying it tasted like perfume and said i didnt flush them. hes the one that started growing acused me of ripping him off, killed the clones by buring them and had his money back
A dnt think you should be callin him a mate anymore, sounds like a bit of a prick to me. Av decided that people who treat me like that now jst get deleted from ma phonebook. You dnt need enemies when you got so called mates like that.

I got a cupboard to veg in and a makeshift tent made of black n white to flower in, the different stages is all down to startin off at diff times. Got space in ma cupboard for 2 mothers and a propagator for seedlings n clones. Its all in the training mate ma veg cub is about 60cm wide and 70cm high maybe 40-50 deep. Only estimates but not far off can jst fit ma prop light in and no more lol


Well-Known Member
A dnt think you should be callin him a mate anymore, sounds like a bit of a prick to me. Av decided that people who treat me like that now jst get deleted from ma phonebook. You dnt need enemies when you got so called mates like that.

I got a cupboard to veg in and a makeshift tent made of black n white to flower in, the different stages is all down to startin off at diff times. Got space in ma cupboard for 2 mothers and a propagator for seedlings n clones. Its all in the training mate ma veg cub is about 60cm wide and 70cm high maybe 40-50 deep. Only estimates but not far off can jst fit ma prop light in and no more lol
hes a relative from the misses side and she'd play fuck with me if i told him how i feel. shes the one that gave him the money back. he thought you could leave the 600w as close as prop light lmao. ive explained things to him over and over again but he wont listen. he flipped them to 12/12 a few days ago and said hes giving them 5 weeks after i told him loads of times it takes between 8 and 10 weeks depending on the strain.
that cupboard thing i got is 65 by 65 and 34 deep. i wont have much room in there but it'll do for now. i was thinking of getting one of those cfl type bulbs to save on space cos a prop light is quite chunky

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
sounds like the guy should worry bout his growing then some1 elses. sounds like he needs to rethink flowering times haha. his shit must taste like grass man.
u get the text earlier scotia?


Well-Known Member
Fuck sake u should.go onto grotec mr t n have a look at the dimensions of rheir £40 prop light a think it'l fit m8 n its the fuckin daddy lol...

Not had a txt from anyone but ma mum 2dy MDB


Well-Known Member
Fuck sake u should.go onto grotec mr t n have a look at the dimensions of rheir £40 prop light a think it'l fit m8 n its the fuckin daddy lol...

Not had a txt from anyone but ma mum 2dy MDB
i have mate the width is 40 and my box is 34 lol
this 1 on ebay looks a bit slimmer tho, i might mail them to find out the size

i tried copying a pic but it wouldnt show it


Well-Known Member
Al measure mine 2moro find out exactly wot am playin with. Av never used cfls before only hps and this prop light dnt hve the ventilation to run 2 hps :-(


Well-Known Member
Yeah a got ur email this mornin mate 1st tine av slept past 9 bells for a long time. Probs only cos wee man didnt go to bed till 1am n thats him jst up lol