looks like good stuff. would u get world of seeds afghan again?? i had 5 regular wos afghan seeds and all sprouted but only 1 kept growing, the others turned brown..it just went in flower 5 days ago and im worried its a herm..top nodes have hairs but the second node down has a ball,,i should know for sure in a few days..Its funny in soil my yeilds were better. My second grow I got 13 oz from five plants in smart pots under 1000w. The smoke was terrible though. I was planning on a SOG with the same strain but I only shop with Herbies and they only have regular not special Afghan kush. With that said I might try Dinafem OG Kush but this strain was amazing.
The smell alone was a beautiful thing and the smoke (apparently). Notice how I refer to it in the past tense.
But thanks I dont know if ebb and flow might be the issue. Grows have given good smoke but yeilds have been lacking.