World of Seeds Afghan Kush Ryder, Charting progress.


Active Member
wow...that nails it for me! I have 3 Pakistan Ryder Kush in their 45 day...grown uner 400 watt hps/w son agro bulb all the way through.....on an average of 18hrs a flowes but awesome looking little christmas trees just in time for christmas! I WANT MY CHRISTMAS TREE TO HAVE LIGHTS.....i u know what I mean? anyway what should i do now ? I s the question? drop it down to what...I don't trust that it will auto flower but maybe it has something to do with the SON AGRO bulb??? STILL not sure...anyone who can help would be much apreciated.
Hey, Man those pak ryders won't be through till'day 70 or so. U still have sometime. It should have started showing pre fower though....They start flowering about 2-3 weeks from seed...


Well-Known Member
that HAS to be the smallest budding mj plant ever. maybe youll break a record lol.. i actually have a small budding retard too i think they are pretty sweet tho haha


Well-Known Member
Nice pics! I've got some auto flowers going right now. I've got 3 Low Ryder #2 and 3 Pakistan Ryders. I have high hopes for the Pakistan Ryder. I grew some WOS Afghan Kush a while back......freaking unbelievable. I also did a couple of Easy Ryders. Those have been the best so far. You don't get a great yield from the autos, but the few strains I've grown have been very kind to me. I'm about to germinate 5 Short Ryder seeds. If these turn out as good as the other autos I've grown, I am going to go strictly with autos. I'm living in a small apartment, which poses many limitations on my ability to grow indoors. But with autos.....I'll never have to turn to the "streets" to get me through a harvest. And they're only going to get better. I'll be following this thread. Can't wait to read the reviews!


mike hack

Yea, or maybe it didn't like the soil. I'm growing two afghan kush ryders, they are 4 weeks. The one on far left is Afghan Kush special. The two ryders started flowering a lil over a week ago. Pots are totally too small..the roots are getting super long. I'm just noticing these lil small tiny reddish bugs tho they're super super small..but they wont go away. And I see these tiny lil whie bugs that are easily hard to miss..they wont go away either. Not sure what to use, I dont want to kill my girls. Oh and seeds came from Afghan Kush Ryder, head lots of ppl have had problems with this strain. For me it has proven to be an autoflower with the lights on 24/0. I guess I have around 6-7 more weeks to go now. 4weeks2.jpg .4 weeks.jpg



Active Member
I know this is old, but using the search function, and thought this was pretty funny...

Really keen on giving these a crack outdoors, this is a bit of a turn off though lol

Not quite the monster i was hoping for (lol!), still a fun project however.
(Pen used for size reference).



Active Member
OMG. I was just checking this strain out as a possible buy when I cam across the thread. Damn that must be the smallest flowering plant I could ever even imagine nevermind seen! Holy killer on that idea Batman.
Was that indoors? What size pot was used? It appears that the plant was dwarfed due to the size of the pot. The plant will only grow to size of it's root system, big root system = Larger plant.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone who grew out the afghan kush ryder have a final report? how does it smoke? what are the affects? i have a hard time believing anything crossed to become autoflower can carry 22% thc?!


The AKR i grew were only about a foot tall but the bud was about an ounce each bud and the taste and affect was amazing. i did 12/12 this time, i will try 24/0 next time.