World Of Hempy

Hit 92 here today and even my basement cant handle the heat. Had to turn my unvented 400 off as it was 87 in there and i dont like that heat without co2. Supposed to be hot for the next week or two....damned Summer! Right at the end of my harvest too. Might cut everything at 8 weeks and reveg em all for a second crop off them while i veg up my Berry Bombs on a different floor in a different room. Im done fucking with thrips and hermies ect ect. Im going to start seeds and mother up from them.

Anyone ever revegged and second harvested? My plan is something like...leave popcorn buds on plants..cut rootball by about 50% and replant into 2-3 gallon containers (theyre in 1.5 right now). Veg from about july 14th to august 20th as that should be sufficient time to be back in veg completely.

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summer is not too hot here....and yesterday was likely the warmest day of the apartment was about 80F with about 70% RH

The 2 indoor plants are doing well...I keep on thinking I'm seeing pre-flowers but it's just wishful thinking...still too young.

I topped the older one...should likely top the other one soon

BTW...look at this has that "Walk like an Egyptian" look...been like that for a few days now....


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Keep your chin up WC....I cannot tell you the "why" you need to
hear, but I do hope that you will rely on luck until your situation

I used to joke with friends, quoting the character of the Mother Superior
in "The Sound Of Music", who said "Whenever he closes a door, he opens a window."
...but then all of our jobs went to Shang-hai and I had to (still joking) add
"So when it comes time to jump, there you go!" Heh got a few
laughs at the time.

Whenever I am confused about life, I listen to The Universe Song.

So remember, when you're feeling very small and insecure,
How amazingly unlikely is your birth,
And pray that there's intelligent life somewhere up in space,
'Cause there's bugger all down here on Earth.

Onward and upward,

Cant see your pics Whocares? Nice Shaggn yaay canada!

Temps supposed to drop back into the 70s in a few days!! I hope so. I really want to run my MH for the home stretch on these girls. Six weeks and one day at the moment. Found a seed pod on my Afghan blueberry hoping its isolated occurance and makes me feelbetter about killing the Gods Gifts.
Girls are startimg to get fat just how I like em..although id be happier to have a fat cola in each square of trellis.
Cant see your pics Whocares? Nice Shaggn yaay canada!

Temps supposed to drop back into the 70s in a few days!! I hope so. I really want to run my MH for the home stretch on these girls. Six weeks and one day at the moment. Found a seed pod on my Afghan blueberry hoping its isolated occurance and makes me feelbetter about killing the Gods Gifts.
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Girls are startimg to get fat just how I like em..although id be happier to have a fat cola in each square of trellis.

Shiva I don't know how you could even find a single seed pod in that trellised jungle. I also believe that the fuller the light spectrum the better quality bud, not necessarily bigger just better smoke.
I thought I was being an overeager keener and wishfully thinking it's was a gal.....but today, several cute little pairs of delicate angel hair have sprouted upon my lovely's a GIRL.

I can't get a decent pic to show them...but I know what I'm seeing and I LIKE IT ...........just hope the younger one becomes her baby sister


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