World Of Hempy

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
Nice ISK! You are turning into a "spear" maker with the cola on that girl. I've been watching the other "#C" girl of yours, waiting for the "bush" maker to come is she up close photographically?
the little hempy "C" is looking the best in term of dense buds, so I think your prediction may come true as it may be short but is rather compact and bulky


New Member
quick question guys if i'm using a sealed storage tub to house 4 1gal hempys and the seals will be light tight not air tight,how important is air circulation around the bottom of the pots?

i was thinking maybe i should add some 1" wide slits up the sides light proofed and go with the 4 1" meshed drainage holes on the pots

plan on hydroton res/coco or coco perlite mix

is this over kill for the hempy method? any feed back appreciated cheers


Active Member
Renton, do u have a fan in the box usually use an old PC fan, and are u using gallon milk jugs? I do, so the plant as long as it has a drain hole, the plant has air flow


New Member
who i'v not decided on exactly what container am gona use only that there gona b 1 gal
secured through the lid of a storage tub under bed type to collect the run off

u dont mean add a fan to one of these?


Active Member
No I used the storage type, with a lid, added lights and a fan as a sealed unit, works well, when they are big enough I transfer them to the under bed type just to make moving the watering them easier


New Member
i'v got an open room with good air movement/intake/extraction, i'm just concerned about creating a vacuum in the storage tub,would just a few small holes do or should i add big slots?
Thanks for having me, a bit more about my current set up.flower room.jpg I have a rotating harvest going about every 4 weeks. I use 9 1 gallon containers set up in plastic cement mixing pans. The first four weeks they are under a 150w hps and the last four they get 400w. Everything was made diy from home depot mats except the ballasts I bought online. I just set up the scrog recently and pretty sure im not doing it technically correct, i just want to have a more even canopy. If anyone could direct me to good scrog thread or give me a few pointers I'd appreciate it. Cheers WOHers!


Well-Known Member
who i'v not decided on exactly what container am gona use only that there gona b 1 gal
secured through the lid of a storage tub under bed type to collect the run off

u dont mean add a fan to one of these?
I don't see a good reason to use the lid, unless it's just for stability of the 1 gal pots. If your 1gal containers are non-translucent then you won't have a light problem. And you really want as much new fresh air circulating at the top of the medium as you can, and it won't take long until the plants will be wider than the hole you have in your tote lid which will make it hard to get into the tote and clean out the overflow water. Also a 1" hole is overkill for a hempy drain, all you need is 3/8 to a 1/2 inch.


Well-Known Member
who i'v not decided on exactly what container am gona use only that there gona b 1 gal
secured through the lid of a storage tub under bed type to collect the run off

u dont mean add a fan to one of these?
Are you meaning that you are cutting holes in the lid of the storage container and the buckets will rest on top? If so and the top of your buckets are exposed to air you should be fine. I use these buckets, they're 1.25 gallons and I have some pretty good success with them. With hempy it is important to get plenty of air to your root system, which is why I wouldn't recommend sealing the tops away from a fresh air supply.

Thanks for having me, a bit more about my current set up.View attachment 2665892 I have a rotating harvest going about every 4 weeks. I use 9 1 gallon containers set up in plastic cement mixing pans. The first four weeks they are under a 150w hps and the last four they get 400w. Everything was made diy from home depot mats except the ballasts I bought online. I just set up the scrog recently and pretty sure im not doing it technically correct, i just want to have a more even canopy. If anyone could direct me to good scrog thread or give me a few pointers I'd appreciate it. Cheers WOHers!
You have the right idea for a scrog but too many plants. The basic premise behind a scrog is to maximize your space with a couple plants by training them out horizontally. With your setup you are close to sog plant density and your screen will soon become overgrown and unmanageable. Just try some LST and supercropping if a couple plants get too tall and you can manage height that way. I run a 3 plant, 250W HPS mini-cab scrog you can check out in my sig if you would like. Feel free to ask away here or PM me, more than happy to help out.
Thanks stone, your plants are beautiful how long do you usually veg for? When i was using soil i would veg for a month but ever since seeing moeb's style I like the idea of a shorter time from clone to flower. Again I'm a noob but not afraid to experiment, ive got some clones that just popped roots so I've got a couple days to decide what to do with them. Should i go less plants longer veg time, or more plants and smaller containers (2 liters), or is there maybe a third way to go?


Well-Known Member
Thanks stone, your plants are beautiful how long do you usually veg for? When i was using soil i would veg for a month but ever since seeing moeb's style I like the idea of a shorter time from clone to flower. Again I'm a noob but not afraid to experiment, ive got some clones that just popped roots so I've got a couple days to decide what to do with them. Should i go less plants longer veg time, or more plants and smaller containers (2 liters), or is there maybe a third way to go?
Hey ITW, I vegged for just under 30 days this run. Clones were around 5 inches when I got them, and I topped them as soon as they adjusted to transplanting. You will have similar results going either sog or scrog, just trade offs either way. Longer veg and total grow time for a scrog. Shorter veg and grow time, but more work and care for plants with a sog. I can't speak to sog growing but Moeb or Shagg will def be able to chime in there.


Active Member
Hey all just posting a little update, Heres the scrog, 8 days after starting it, I hope to go 12/12 in another week, 100_2407.jpg100_2406.jpg and the new additions to the filing cabinet, 100_2411.jpg100_2410.jpg I like how it's coming out 100_2375.jpg I added a 4 light bathroom fixture to the box, It will be 8 bulbs when the splitters arrive, then bulbs will change and I'll start blooming... got my 3 inch outside vent installed, and a heavy duty server fan to exhaust it. I have a tall rotating fan inside and I like it because it is vertical and blows under the scrog as well as the top..I got a surge suppressor power strip installed with a always on plugs, so the fans are on 24/7, Lights are right now too, I will go to 18/6 tonight, now that the box is about full. I put in 8 coco/perlite hempys in 2 liter bottles, I may have room to add a few more. The new plants need a little adjustment time, they have been under t-5's in the ghetto grow box...they are about 3 weeks old. Gave me some free space in there too, cause I have some ready to start vegging.

OK here's my question? I have some seeds to start, and I have a south facing window...would they do better starting there, I want them to go outside?


Well-Known Member
must b mirrors involved think there what kills the rays thats why there not used as in grow opps

but hell yeah i'm with u on that 1 moe i to draem of roofs likie that n if i had the coin i'd b building a house with nothing but weed in mind lol
pretty sure that all these light channels are is fiber optic cables
a scientist was in an underground lab trying to figure out a way to grow plants in there without having to use lighting
found out about fiber optics
and then the fiber optic skylight was made....
hope someone gets a crazy idea and grows through with it :)

parabolic sun catcher with a fiber optic cable on it


Active Member
Yeah ISK choice for them, would be the window, I can open it and let it breathe too get them used to the 90 degree heat.


New Member
thanks guys,yeah the lid would b for 2 purposes,1st stability and 2nd light proofing this would let me use clear containers with just the tops above the lid tapped up thick to cover snug over the hole i cut.

the tub itself will b raised about 10" so i can set a second res level n gravity drain n b set at a level low enough to b refeshed when fed but still b ok if roots get that low,im thinking they will in a light tight tub
i want to b able to access them individually in case of notice of entry i could do this with the tub but i'm open to just do individual pots i could rig up something to drain easy.

if i'm making any mistakes let me know i'll always take good advice


Active Member
I did some work in the Garden tonight, First here's my helper in the 400 acres of Sunflowers last yearmax in the sunflowers..jpg, Some new Flowers, White and Purple Iris100_2412.jpg100_2420.jpg, Planted some Moon flowers for this trellis. 100_2421.jpg Here's a view of the Orchard.100_2425.jpg I have 10 trees now, I lost 5 last year due to the drought.


Well-Known Member
Nice open spaces WC. I would love to have more space to grow things.

Sorry to hear about the trees. This happened to us. Many know of the
bark borer beetle and what it has done in the west. ...but the cause was
the drought, and very often is.



Well-Known Member
Sorry Guys Bad news. BEEN RAIDED .... ARRESTED etc. 2minutes after I posted last picture. Police have everything. Just been released, not gone home yet to see the mess. Let yall know whats happening when I find out.