Possibly your water has low levels of carbon dioxide which can cause high pH. This would probably mean that DO levels are higher which is always a plus. Co2 combined with water forms carbonic acid which acts to neutralize alkalinity. The weird thing is like Moe said usually alkaline water comes from a source with with something like limestone in it which would usually mean a decent TDS.
Do you know the source of your water?
I cant see any reason it would be harmful except having crazy low TDS means its a lil harder to buffer it but youre adding all sorts of minerals as fertilizer so no biggie.
Hey dude, cheers for taking the time out to help.
I am pretty confident the water supply is from a reservoir (rain filled?) that is literally 500m from my house. Our part of the country is known for having soft water, but with my high PH reading, I figured I was the odd one out, it turns out not, and that our water is very clean, ppm wise.
And yes, its very hard to buffer, when im trying to JUST PH it for a flush, its tricky, literally a few too many drops of PH down can cause a swing from 9.1 - 4.0.
Do I need to PH the flush water? I would not have done had it been closer to 7, just thought 9.1 would do damage.
Also twisting of the leaves, this is strange, I only get that when I use tap water right out the tap, no evaporating.. yet Chlorine should show as a ppm?
Dont understand whats happening; could it be to do with the carbonic acid or any of the processess you outlined?
Thanks again mate.
Its been said earlier in the thread, bud I will say the people in the WOH are much friendlier than the usual crowd.
Thanks everyone, ill be contributing to this thread as often as possible, maybe even throw some of my hempy pics up

(naively I assumed a board dedicated to growing weed would be mellow and very helpful..)