When you run seeds of that strain you been wanting to try,You of course pic the best Mother to clone from.Sometimes There is a certain girl that
says "keep me" right directly to your senses.She does not yield so great,and potency is not up there with the others.She may just have a taste that blows the others out of the water,with an under 8 wk finishing time to your taste.Whatever the reason you may not have room in your Mother area,so you have to let her flower out to free up space.
Free up space for that special girl with a Bonsai Hempy Mum BHM.
Nute strength/light intensity correlates to Mother stasis (little cutting production) to production (multiple shoots of cuttings).
A BHM can start showing signs of rootbound out to 4-5 mos.While holding plant in cup tilt,and drain res.After loss of suction the plant pops out.With the plant out of cup one can do a ph'ed water dunk (make sure PH'ed water is room temp).With 1-2 drops of bleach per gal of PH'ed water the medium zone can be kept completely under the water for 15 minutes (I leave them in for a half hour).From time to time a gentle raise out of the water letting medium drain then reimmerse in water.This dunk step is more for advanced root zone maintainence,Due to Aphid attack,neglected salt flushings,light leaked algea bloom,severe PH correction,resetting bennies etc etc etc.If root bound plants look generaly healthy in the root zone then skipping the dunk is just fine.With sterile procedures cut the roots horizontaly with the drain hole leaving fudge room below hole.In a clean Hempy cup replace the volume of medium lost with a slightly more amount.Make sure most importantly that the exposed roots sit in res near drain hole level when plant is put in cup.give a light feed with some generous run off and get under light starting with medium intensity,and increase gently in both light/nutes.Keep in mind the plants love a dunking,or rootbound releif.
Here is some slightly crispy diy drybox buds (4 days) I harvested from a special girl at day 45 of 12/12.
I get to enjoy a taste/high profile different from a 7.5 wk harvest in wich at both stages is truely unique.
The flexible harvest time frame,delicious tastes,and soothing yet functional buzz saved her from the garden culling.
Same plant in BHM style.Bent wire to open up canopy from inside outward while making woody to green frame work for shoot sites.I could have taken a rubbing alcohol moistened paper towel to the drain hole area to make oh so pretty.I just want to show the healthy root sticking out with all that precipate nutrient chem salts being fushed out.It would not be white if not right (do not repeat this out loud in certain company).This 5 1/2 mo old mom still has the starter cube in there.She waits for clone replacement because I do not want to run into any possible Rockwool troubles that I am unaware of past the 6 mo mark.Of course the clone will carry on that special girl.