World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
My bad for not realizing you meant outdoor. From just growing my simple outdoor vegetable garden, I would say probably within a few weeks after the "official" day of summer (June 21st or so). I have noticed my garden vegetables all began to "flower" (as in grow actual vegetables) right around the beginning of July or so....
With equatorial Cannabis strains the natural flip to flower is the equinox in sept. most sativa's follow this timetable. Natural northern latitude strains tend to start much earlier. I've seen indica strains that will flower with 14/10 light schedule, and sativa's that won't start without 13hr of dark/day.

Right now I'm on a 11/13 schedule, dropping to 10/14 for the last couple of wks.


Active Member
He may not have been able to contact us, when they sentenced him they may have taken him right then and there, I pray he's ok


Well-Known Member
With equatorial Cannabis strains the natural flip to flower is the equinox in sept. most sativa's follow this timetable. Natural northern latitude strains tend to start much earlier. I've seen indica strains that will flower with 14/10 light schedule, and sativa's that won't start without 13hr of dark/day.

Right now I'm on a 11/13 schedule, dropping to 10/14 for the last couple of wks.
The equator gets pretty much 12/12 all year. Most sativas outside the tropics won't flower until the equinox or quite close to it.


Well-Known Member
It sucks that Moe got fucked over but at least hes in the UK I'm pretty sure UK laws are a lot less harsh than US, in any case anyone being locked up over weed is complete bull shit, I'm kinda surprised he never told us what his sentence was, where ever your at Moe hope things are going well for you...
Same here Moe. I know you said you'd be following the thread. If you are, you know we are thinking about you. At least you know that what you started is still rolling strong...lots of new members too. Can't wait for the day you post.


Well-Known Member
With it as warm as its been think ill leaves all the sugar leaf until final trim. My biggest cola of the night securedownload-80_fx.jpg Still leaving my biggest girl for next weekend and all of the bottom buds.

Tops from 3 of my bluedreamsecuredownload-140_fx_fx.jpg. I have both of my Sand Widow cut down one Skunk as well'as my afghan blueberry...aside from the bottom buds on them. Which leaves me 7 more to go. Pretty stoked for it being a summer crop it looks to be a very decent yield. 1200 watts of hps constant and 400 of vertical bare bulb MH for the first 3 weeks constant and then whenever it wasnt too hot to run id have it going


Well-Known Member
Nice looking harvest shiva, as far as moes sentence goes I'm pretty sure its all about location in the UK just like it is here in the states, cross the wrong imaginary line with the wrong substance and you might get fucked, but i really hope that's not the case, i dunno what to say really, he seemed pretty calm and collected after and he was out not long after the whole thing happened, so i hope that all those things are a good sign, if it was me and it looked like i was gonna be getting a raw deal i would be bitching up a storm on here for sure...


Well-Known Member
Thnks dude! I had to cut 3 gods gift down way early as they were super super hermie prone and the only plants that i even saw a glimmer of powdery mildew on (traded the premie'nugs for'an AC unit so no total loss). So im left with 15 girls'8 of which are now hanging or being smoked lol! Its looking like on avg the BD have 1.5 to a lil over 2 oz per bush and the big one im really gonna have to wait to know...i think that one plant will prob be as much produce as the picture of 3 plants on hangers....or close. It has 18 colas on it which are all laying on my trellising now so its hard to get a pic until i pull it out. The stalk is twiceas thick as my thumb.

Anyway for Summer its not looking to plan for my next run...shoulda been planning it 2 momths ago hah


Well-Known Member
How is yall hanging in there? The heat is insane right now. I switched to 12/12 today but im very bothered by the fact that my tent temps are almost equal lights on and lights off cause of these 28C in the daytime.
Im getting my watermelon juice on and having a game of black ops :D Gotta get in and away from the heat for a while.


Well-Known Member
How is yall hanging in there? The heat is insane right now. I switched to 12/12 today but im very bothered by the fact that my tent temps are almost equal lights on and lights off cause of these 28C in the daytime.
Im getting my watermelon juice on and having a game of black ops :D Gotta get in and away from the heat for a while.
My "nights" are hotter than my days 'cause I turn ventilation off with the lights at midday.. D:


Well-Known Member
My "nights" are hotter than my days 'cause I turn ventilation off with the lights at midday.. D:
That shit aint cool :) Get it? :) lol im blasted right now, again.
But having hotter nights than days will fuck with the plant and make it not grow that much. Atleast thats what i get from reading alot on it.
I wanted to control the hights and found out i could do it that way. But in flower that is not what you want. The bigger the night day difference in temperature the bigger the growth (In whats Healthy). So golden would be 17Cnight and 27Cday.
Just found out this heat wave is gonna last til next weekend :(