Workout plan making me AGGIE as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I've lost 6lbs in a week. Which I'm very proud of;However the lack of fatty processed foods have let me aggie as fuck. The positive benefits of my choice can't be ignored, but I'm grumpy, easily annoyed, and have been more aggressive towards people (Not my wife...No Chris browns round hurr). I find that fatty foods make you docile. I'm going through food withdrawls. But i'm getting my mojo back. :)


Well-Known Member
I've lost 6lbs in a week. Which I'm very proud of;However the lack of fatty processed foods have let me aggie as fuck. The positive benefits of my choice can't be ignored, but I'm grumpy, easily annoyed, and have been more aggressive towards people (Not my wife...No Chris browns round hurr). I find that fatty foods make you docile. I'm going through food withdrawls. But i'm getting my mojo back. :)
Eat asian food, they use alot of fat but its all monounsaturated so its good for you, and all the spices and ginger and stuff will actually help your body deal wit new stresses. advice from bein stationed in korea,"if your food doesn't bring a little sweat to your face, its not good for you"


Well-Known Member
Eat asian food, they use alot of fat but its all monounsaturated so its good for you, and all the spices and ginger and stuff will actually help your body deal wit new stresses. advice from bein stationed in korea,"if your food doesn't bring a little sweat to your face, its not good for you"
I had a wet dream about sushi last night. Oshinko Maki (rice outside) Spicy shrimp/crab, East roll, and a California hand roll. Wasabi and Sriracha chili sauce on the side.

Now that's heaven.


Well-Known Member
Did you stop smoking too? When I take a break from burning, I get agitated, I think its even better for the gym because then you want to get out there and do that shit


Well-Known Member
Did you stop smoking too? When I take a break from burning, I get agitated, I think its even better for the gym because then you want to get out there and do that shit

I didn't kick it cold turkey, but I cut back alot. at least by half to 3/4's of what I was smoking before. When I smoke before the gym I'm so much more motivated. Sober I do my thing, but when stoned I rep that shit out hardcore.


Well-Known Member
Gravy good for you!! You will feel so much better in a few weeks. You will see your energy level rise and your skin will glow! Cut the fat out and find an alternative that works for you. I count my fat grams everyday, whether I am dieting or not. When I need to lose weight I will not exceed 10g of fat a day. Another thing I do is I look at the saturated fat. On that back of any box you will see Calories and Calories from fat I take the calories from fat and multiply it by 3, if it is higher than the calories I know it is not good for me.
My other tips are: Drink WATER all the time! Take a multi vitamin. Excercise. Once it starts dropping off and you start looking hot(ter) you will get into it. I used to be a soda drinker, after drinking water for a couple of weeks I adjusted. I ALWAYS go for the water first, out of want not need. You will be grumpy for a lil bit, it will pass. Keep up the good work!!!



Well-Known Member
Gravy good for you!! You will feel so much better in a few weeks. You will see your energy level rise and your skin will glow! Cut the fat out and find an alternative that works for you. I count my fat grams everyday, whether I am dieting or not. When I need to lose weight I will not exceed 10g of fat a day. Another thing I do is I look at the saturated fat. On that back of any box you will see Calories and Calories from fat I take the calories from fat and multiply it by 3, if it is higher than the calories I know it is not good for me.
My other tips are: Drink WATER all the time! Take a multi vitamin. Excercise. Once it starts dropping off and you start looking hot(ter) you will get into it. I used to be a soda drinker, after drinking water for a couple of weeks I adjusted. I ALWAYS go for the water first, out of want not need. You will be grumpy for a lil bit, it will pass. Keep up the good work!!!

Thanks for the calories from fat tip. Im def going to use that. Hell I've never even thought of doing that. I'm drinking water all the time. I must admit I do drink milk from time to time, but the sodas are gone, and the alcohol is gone. I've noticed my body changing subtely, and my confidence is coming back big time.


Well-Known Member
lol@ me going to the refrigerator and getting excited about my new found knowledge. Sunny you're a genius!


Well-Known Member
Gravy I am obsessed with diet...I am in good shape and I work at it, daily! It is a way of living, it becomes a part of your life. You will see.
I don't know your stats, but an average sized man that is wanting to lose weight can do this very easily by not exceeding 20 to 25 grams of fat a day. Look on the back of your boxes and look at the fat. It is right underneath where I circled. I find that I need something to go by, like counting fat grams, there is no grey areas with that. You either stayed under 20g of fat a day or not. The guilt of eating over the allowed amount makes you not do it that much! You will also find when you go grocery shopping you will look at the back of boxes all the time! You will find the tricks that work so you can eat more and lose weight! Hope this helps, and I will be watching your progress!


Well-Known Member
Gravy I am obsessed with diet...I am in good shape and I work at it, daily! It is a way of living, it becomes a part of your life. You will see.
I don't know your stats, but an average sized man that is wanting to lose weight can do this very easily by not exceeding 20 to 25 grams of fat a day. Look on the back of your boxes and look at the fat. It is right underneath where I circled. I find that I need something to go by, like counting fat grams, there is no grey areas with that. You either stayed under 20g of fat a day or not. The guilt of eating over the allowed amount makes you not do it that much! You will also find when you go grocery shopping you will look at the back of boxes all the time! You will find the tricks that work so you can eat more and lose weight! Hope this helps, and I will be watching your progress!

I'm 6'1" 255 now. Im embarrassed by this, but up until 2 weeks ago. I was eating around 4,000 calories daily. I was having 3-4 drinks on weekdays and about 6-8 each day on the weekends. I was destroying my body. Right now...I couldn't tell you the exact number of fat grams I consume daily but It's not alot. I've really curtailed my diet, and I feel so much better.


Well-Known Member
I'm 6'1" 255 now. Im embarrassed by this, but up until 2 weeks ago. I was eating around 4,000 calories daily. I was having 3-4 drinks on weekdays and about 6-8 each day on the weekends. I was destroying my body. Right now...I couldn't tell you the exact number of fat grams I consume daily but It's not alot. I've really curtailed my diet, and I feel so much better.
You need to be careful though. You need to have enough fat in your diet to stay healthy. Go buy a calorie/fat counting book. They are at any book store and even the grocery store.
I am telling you, if you stay at 25 grams of fat a day, you will drop weight and be healthy doing so. I really recommend a multi vitamin, you need it so that if you are lacking in areas it will balance it out.
I don't count my calories, I only count fat and take a multi vitamin. You will also find you can drink alcohol. I can drink my Capt Morgan with diet coke and it stays within my diet. Now, sometimes I will waive eating all day so that I can party hard that night. (that is not recommended)
Oh, one more thing, when you fall off the wagon don't give up. Chalk it up to a bad day and resume the next day. We are all human and slip ups happen. You can and will do this, the rewards of it are amazing. I get hollered at all the time by men that are my sons ages! lol. It is good to have your body match your mind spirit.
Good luck, and you don't need it. You already took the first steps, you will tweak it out in no time!:peace:


Well-Known Member
You need to be careful though. You need to have enough fat in your diet to stay healthy. Go buy a calorie/fat counting book. They are at any book store and even the grocery store.
I am telling you, if you stay at 25 grams of fat a day, you will drop weight and be healthy doing so. I really recommend a multi vitamin, you need it so that if you are lacking in areas it will balance it out.
I don't count my calories, I only count fat and take a multi vitamin. You will also find you can drink alcohol. I can drink my Capt Morgan with diet coke and it stays within my diet. Now, sometimes I will waive eating all day so that I can party hard that night. (that is not recommended)
Oh, one more thing, when you fall off the wagon don't give up. Chalk it up to a bad day and resume the next day. We are all human and slip ups happen. You can and will do this, the rewards of it are amazing. I get hollered at all the time by men that are my sons ages! lol. It is good to have your body match your mind spirit.
Good luck, and you don't need it. You already took the first steps, you will tweak it out in no time!:peace:
That is great advice. Thank you for the support. I don't count calories either. I just try to stick to healthy foods. I'm a young guy so if Im diligent The weight will literally melt away. I've got my cheat day and I look forward to that, but the other 6 days Im all business. I was curious about the alcohol though.

Is it okay to drink hard liquor if I mix it diet soda? Should I stick to a certain type? Vodka, rum?


Well-Known Member
You can eat just about anyting you want. These case studies about what to eat and not to eat changes weekly.
The only sure fire way is burning more calories then taking in.
When I wrestled in college it wasn't unherd of cutting large weight in a few days.
I started to get a belly these last couple years, so I joined a reck basketball league, it's worked out great for me.
good luck


Well-Known Member
That is great advice. Thank you for the support. I don't count calories either. I just try to stick to healthy foods. I'm a young guy so if Im diligent The weight will literally melt away. I've got my cheat day and I look forward to that, but the other 6 days Im all business. I was curious about the alcohol though.

Is it okay to drink hard liquor if I mix it diet soda? Should I stick to a certain type? Vodka, rum?
Liquor doesn't have any fat grams, but, it has sugars and calories. Gravy, anything in moderation is okay, it is when you go overboard (with anything) that it is a problem. My advice to you is to educate yourself on what your eating and putting into your body. Once you fully understand what it is you are eating/drinking, it will make you think twice...You are doing a great job, keep it up!:peace:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
big gravy up your salt intake a little man it was just in the news yesterday that missing out on fast food which is high in it can make you grumpy!


Well-Known Member
That is great advice. Thank you for the support. I don't count calories either. I just try to stick to healthy foods. I'm a young guy so if Im diligent The weight will literally melt away. I've got my cheat day and I look forward to that, but the other 6 days Im all business. I was curious about the alcohol though.

Is it okay to drink hard liquor if I mix it diet soda? Should I stick to a certain type? Vodka, rum?
If your gonna drink hard liqour drink whisky, it doesnt have all the sugars and stuff like the others. Im on a diet/workout routine/cut back on smoking thing to. Cant wait for the summer to run outside again.


Well-Known Member
If your gonna drink hard liqour drink whisky, it doesnt have all the sugars and stuff like the others. Im on a diet/workout routine/cut back on smoking thing to. Cant wait for the summer to run outside again.
I would just die if I couldn't run everyday. When I was back North a couple of months ago, it was so cold I could not run. It is like missing your morning coffee, I could never get started with my day.:neutral:

Gravy are you exercising?


New Member
Drink NON fluoridated water. Fluoridation of the water saps the iodine from your body which in turn wrecks your thyroid, When your thyroid goes to hell it takes everything else with it.

I'm trying to cut out sugar (binds the thyroid)

trying to quit cigs...... again (I suck at being a quitter)

trying to get the hell away from processed foods and wow what a challenge that is.

Tonight when I shop my hubby is going to have to pull out his puppy dog eyes if he wants snacks that aren't fruit.


Well-Known Member
Drink NON fluoridated water. Fluoridation of the water saps the iodine from your body which in turn wrecks your thyroid, When your thyroid goes to hell it takes everything else with it.

I'm trying to cut out sugar (binds the thyroid)

trying to quit cigs...... again (I suck at being a quitter)

trying to get the hell away from processed foods and wow what a challenge that is.

Tonight when I shop my hubby is going to have to pull out his puppy dog eyes if he wants snacks that aren't fruit.
Fruit is the greatest snack ever!

And sunny thats the only thing I dont like about winter. I could still run and do sometimes as long as its not colder than -10. But after -10 it just kills my throat. During the spring I have a 4k jog that I do everyday that runs beside a river and then a boardwalk through the forest. Its amazing.


Active Member
6 pounds in 1 week is alot, im sure 2-3 pounds of i was muscle fiber, the best way to loose fat is to workout and learn how to diet properly