working class whites and economic anxiety


Well-Known Member
No,actually,he lost this election,if you count actual votes. Most voters, at least those that had common sense, chose Clinton, like by over 1.5 million votes now, and increasing daily as mail in votes are still being counted. Asshole won the Electoral College, but not the MAJORITY of votes cast. Got it?
Spoken like someone who doesn't understand our election process.

We don't have one election. We have 50.

Trump won in a land slide.


Well-Known Member
They were entirely undeveloped as Mexican possessions.

Ex-wife of 'too fat to work' benefits scrounger tells how she had to help him go to the toilet three times a day while he was having an affair - and paying for hotel trysts on HER credit cards
  • Steve Beer was on TV this week telling of his benefits-funded wedding
  • He has been married six times and now says he's too fat to work
  • Previous wives now claim they 'don't know why they married him'
  • Used fifth wife's credit card to pay for B&B trysts with now-wife
  • Two of his children say he 'failed to step up' and look after them
  • He tried to buy Weymouth FC in 2011 but pulled out after getting 'cold feet'
  • The 31 stone 45-year-old has also twice appeared on Jeremy Kyle
  • Mr Beer, who used to work, has blamed the government for his situation
  • ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑

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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
Yeah, not much of a Dey fan myself, only mentioned her because of the gif.
Cher? Not really my scene, man, but she had great hair and natural boobs for sure. (And no ass/hips, lol.)

My earliest jack off memories:

View attachment 3836709
(I've got a much nicer shot of Pam, but it's for PM only.)

View attachment 3836710
(Leigh Taylor-Young as she appeared in 'Soylent Green'....omg, those eyes looking into you during mid-coitus....ffffffuuuuuuuuu.....)
Pam was so hot I'd suck a fart out of her ass.


Well-Known Member
Spoken like someone who doesn't understand our election process.

We don't have one election. We have 50.

Trump won in a land slide.
OK, dimwit won the Electoral College vote, granted, but, and it's a very big but, as I write this his popular vote count means one thing, and that is as he starts his term, and hopefully his last, he is disliked (hated?) by 2 million more people than like him, and that doesn't bode well for his future. He wanted it, and now he got it, and just wait until his approval ratings start coming in. (can't wait to read his Tweets when that happens) That will be fun to watch, seeing that if SNL gets under his skin, just wait until he sees what the majority of people think of him. LOL
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Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
OK, dimwit won the Electoral College vote, granted, but, and it's a very big but, as I write this his popular vote count means one thing, and that is as he starts his term, and hopefully his last, he is disliked (hated?) by 2 million more people than like him, and that doesn't bode well for his future. He wanted it, and now he got it, and just wait until his approval ratings start coming in. (can't wait to read his Tweets when that happens) That will be fun to watch, seeing that if SNL gets under his skin, just wait until he sees what the majority of people think of him. LOL
That's what has me worried that he is such an impetuous, petty little man who lashes out for the smallest of slight,

I don't think Roy Cohn would approve of the pettiness Donald reacts.


Well-Known Member
That's what has me worried that he is such an impetuous, petty little man who lashes out for the smallest of slight,

I don't think Roy Cohn would approve of the pettiness Donald reacts.
Yep, and conversely he goes above and beyond to reward loyalty to him. He's using cabinet positions as the "thank you". Most of these thank you gifts are going to woefully unqualified individuals. Devos as secretary of education?? Ben Carson leading HUD?? His stated qualification for the position is that he grew up in an urban area. lol
You just can't make this shit up.

I wasn't too concerned about trumps lack of experience thinking he would be smart enough to surround himself with qualified people.... But nope. Instead he's using these positions as tokens of his appreciation for anyone and everyone that stood by his side, no matter how unqualified they are for the job. The confirmation hearings is gonna be must watch TV. Get the dvr's ready!