working class whites and economic anxiety


Well-Known Member
That's right. If only the yids, spicks, dagos,wops, greasers, micks, pollacks, niggas, chinks, towel heads , muzzies, queers,lesbians, and women that want to chose what they want to do with their bodies would just go away, this country would be great again. That is what a shit it.load of people just voted for, it seems


Well-Known Member
Slave labor and the early 20th century immigrant migration had nothing to do with it in your delusional mind.

How's Subway treating you?
If whites get the blame for slavery then whites get the credit for what it accomplished.

Also, those poor immigrants were white too.

Those slaves didn't do shit without a white person telling them to do it.


Well-Known Member
If whites get the blame for slavery then whites get the credit for what it accomplished.

Also, those poor immigrants were white too.

Those slaves didn't do shit without a white person telling them to do it.

Just die. You're basically worthless. We'll find somebody else to take your shitty job. Maybe a nice Mexican who would appreciate the opportunity to stay here without bitching like a cunt.