Well-Known Member

i am a painter in a bodyshop for 25 years. i was asked to buff my boss's.. boss's 40ft boat after work. (the owner of dealerships boat) i hurt my back doing it. told my boss the next morning when he called me to tell me i did not finish job it looks like shit. i was at work till 9:30 that night. it happened friday night july 30th and could not go any further. i had weekend off and that monday. tuesday was dead 1/2 day. wedsday he sends me down to a building he wants to make into a new bodyshop. the building is owned by the dealership i work for. it has been for 30 years and thats how long it been unused. it became the dealerships dirty closet out back. it was full of old shop equipment and oil soaked speedy dry. he tells me get it cleaned out. i tell him i'm a little sore from the boat job i think i need to wait till after the weekend. wanted a chance to heal up some. he said now!. i made it till 4:30 when i tried to lift a tipped over metal table back onto it's wheels. i felt some go in my back. doctors say 2 bullging dics in lower 1 in the middle. 1 of lower is slightly hurniated. was on light duty at since, but today was sent home indefinatly. whats happens now? lawyer? how long will i get paid to sit here? i really cant do my job. i can hardly dress myself. advise please