words of wisdom is needed


Well-Known Member
Hello family I did a grow with DJ short blue moonshine. Flowered them for 11 weeks with a 1000watts dryed for 6 days and in week 3 of cure.my problem is when I smell the bud as a whole nugget it don't smell like much but when I rip it open it smells very good.is this normal? I gave a friend a bud to try out and he told me it was still young.I know he's not a grower and we all know 11weeks is a long time to flower.this grow was done the Wright way.before I chopped them down, the thc was all milky and a little amber.dry time was 6days curing is going into week 3. I just want to know what y'all think.in?


Well-Known Member
OK I thought it was me.when I gave a bud away the first response is bro wtf but when the break it open its another.story.


Well-Known Member
Yeah probably just genetics bro...Honestly try to grow an OG or Diesel strain that you just KNOW will fucking stink...I've been messing with Cali Connection strains lately try them


Well-Known Member
Are you using some sort of carb? I added Florlicious plus and bud candy and got stinkier weed anda lot more of it.