Word of warning for grow noobs.. :P


Well-Known Member
sweet all that work to find his single plant, lol i bet they was hoping for alot more


Well-Known Member
since cannabis is class b in england it typically goes that if you get caught you get a warning, if you get caught again a fine , and a 3rd time you either do community service or go to jail....oh dear...isnt cannabis class A in america?


New Member
:lol: there was a thread not too long ago where somebody was talking about growing a single plant and show the world that it is safe and harmless and nothing to be afraid of. This could be that guy!!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
i feel for you guys!!! thats a crazy law....although to be honest cannabis was class c in england a year or 2 ago so it seems we may be going that way aswell.....the government is ignorant to the truth behind the plant....for shame


New Member
We need a crack team of stoner pilots and some contributing seed banks to donate bulk seeds..... seed the damn country and bury those DEA tards in wild weed.....

out. :blsmoke: