Woot! LED section! - Post your pics guys and gals, show off your LED babies!!


Well-Known Member
canna can you get a better picture of your plants? looks good... I wouldnt mind seeing what the buds look like after 35days of flower with so much LED power


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1910905

3 Blackstar 240's and 1 180 watt Advanced LED Grow Light! Above 8 x 3.5 foot tall plants, day 35 Flowering!
Just from what I saw with my 180w Advanced, it needs to be at minimum 18-20 inches above the canopy. Move it up to where the coverage is wider and you wont need all those blackstars. Your buds wont be nearly as big that close. the buds around the perimeter were bigger than the ones under the light.


I'm interested in trying the Blackstar 240's for flowering on a light movers. I would be covering a 20' long by 10' wide area. Has anyone here tried these on lightmovers or are they better stationary?


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in trying the Blackstar 240's for flowering on a light movers. I would be covering a 20' long by 10' wide area. Has anyone here tried these on lightmovers or are they better stationary?
You're going to need more than the Blackstar 240 for that big of an area. Try x2 240's for a start; for an area that big, regardless of light movers, I'd want something like x2 Blackstar 500's...

I'm no expert on light movers, so take my opinion on this with a grain of salt...


Yay, LED's! The low power consumption and low heat output are what made me decide to start growing. So far, one oustanding advantage I can see over HID's is that you can be as close as you want, and shorten up internodal distances without frying the plants. I took some pics on day 35 (from seed) This is feminized Chocolope.

Here is one in natural light. I know topping keeps any plant shorter, and I've topped them twice, but these things are only 6" tall! With this one the topping was very persnickety, because the distance between nodes was so short. Go go gadget LED's!! ftw
3.5 weeks into flower 1 - 90watt led(45X2W) / plant
These kids, 4 feet + now, are starting to flower. Week 1 of Sour Diesel Flowering, via LED (Dr. Grow Right 240W and 260 Watts of CFLs 3x2700 and 1x6500). 9 plants in a 3x3 grow space lined with Mylar. Will post update pics soon.
BTW: If anyone has a particular LED producer they've had great results with, I'm looking to invest in another soon. Really pleased with the results from my first purchase, but don't think the company exists anymore.... couldn't find another on e-bay at least. I've heard good things about Blackstar, but have no experience with the brand. Any opinions?


So you got this looking so green and healthy beautiful dude, Ah how many watts on the LED? What soil mix did you used , once that plants grows more that's when you start to clone? Can I ask where did u get the female from.? Pm me if you want with that info please...


Well-Known Member
BTW: If anyone has a particular LED producer they've had great results with, I'm looking to invest in another soon. Really pleased with the results from my first purchase, but don't think the company exists anymore.... couldn't find another on e-bay at least. I've heard good things about Blackstar, but have no experience with the brand. Any opinions?
i only have exp with blackstars. it says 600w but it isn't 600w each. i would have to get a device to measure what they draw. but my kushes did great in them. they weren't cheap. ebay.


Well-Known Member
If you don't have a wattage meter a good rule of thumb on most blackstar models is to multiply the advertised wattage by .60 to .65 that is the wattage they'll pull - that's the math that worked with the 50w ufo I have for side lighting and the 500w my buddy uses for his basement op.
So you got this looking so green and healthy beautiful dude, Ah how many watts on the LED? What soil mix did you used , once that plants grows more that's when you start to clone? Can I ask where did u get the female from.? Pm me if you want with that info please...
Grown from seed... followed some nice rules of thumb (but sure they must have been feminized somehow, despite being from a local grower in 'the Big Apple'). I use a soilless mix of Coco, Shagnum, turface and perlite with 10 to 15% organic additives (worm castings, blood, bone, and feather meals...) I keep a reservoir, constantly aerated and allow the nutrients to circulate before watering. Always use an EC meter and mist with light nutes and Superthrive. The main light is LED, only 240 watts, but well made. Then 4x 65 watt cfls, 3 are 2700k, 1 is 5500-6500k (can't remember). I have a good inline fan and filtered windows, so lots of air exchange.... It helps. I really hope you were asking me that question...... The buds are 4 to 5x the size in the pics, and are only three weeks in. This strain takes 10-11 weeks to fully fill out, so I imagine they will be big in the end. Take care.