

Well-Known Member
so I've been dry for about a month but when I was cleaning around found 2 random ass nugs beside my internet modem lol..no idea how they got there but I dont care! now to enjoy being baked off my ass and hope you guys are as well bongsmilie

...but first off to subway :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lofl, how can you be dry for a month!! what is it a freaking draught? That kind of talk is unheard of here in California...

Happy to hear you found something!!


Well-Known Member
lol nah theres plenty but what money Im making has to go to bills and groceries so theres rarely any leftover, but I save a bit each month to buy a nice fat sack every once in a while so it's not all bad


Well-Known Member
OH I see. Why don't you grow a plant? That's what I am trying to do so I don't have to pay for bud. I don't really pay aanyway, my boyfriend does, but still, I feel bad.


Well-Known Member
I love it when I find something I lost months ago. Its kinda like Christmas LOL..............just the other day I was hungry as hell and not wanting to cook.....so I just got stoned but for some reason the a picture frame fell off the wall behind the couch....so I went to get it....and LOW AN BEHOLD....there were 2 slices of Pizza back there.......must of been left from the last time my son and friends came over...about a month ago.........anyways I sprinkeled a little water on them and put em in the micro wav and had a nice snack.....Yep I love surprise finds.


Well-Known Member
I love it when I find something I lost months ago. Its kinda like Christmas LOL..............just the other day I was hungry as hell and not wanting to cook.....so I just got stoned but for some reason the a picture frame fell off the wall behind the couch....so I went to get it....and LOW AN BEHOLD....there were 2 slices of Pizza back there.......must of been left from the last time my son and friends came over...about a month ago.........anyways I sprinkeled a little water on them and put em in the micro wav and had a nice snack.....Yep I love surprise finds.
lol really?


Well-Known Member
LOL happened to me a while after my first harvest last year. I had several bags in a closet, sold some, smoked the rest. Didn't plan well, and ran out before my next harvest (will not happen again, btw). Anyway, after being out for a couple weeks I found a 1/2 oz bag that had fallen off the shelf. sweet!


Active Member
i once found a g under my bed
i always found but everywhere but now that i got a lot if losing it and not finding it =(