Won't use bodhi again worst Hermies in 10 Bodhi

Thread status same thing cunny funt

Yeah bro believe it I'm gutted I've run 1 pheno twice just to be double Sure and got a different pheno in now and they Hermied again,pity people get all touchy Just because their experience don't match up with mine,if I could I'd give everyone here a cut of it I would with a warning label tho, I have pulled the plug on it now binned all my cuttings Which broke my heart, I wouldn't even give them away to someone i like, that's how 100% i am on this,not 1 person can answer why my blueberry hashplant didn't Hermie and planted same time same soil same grow room and not 1 can answer why it happened twice on 1 pheno and 1 on another it's all school boy bs lol to the ones that are offended by a sentence gfyoh and merry f*cking xmas lol
In addition to my apparently funny comment, I actually provided you with some useful information that is true. Funny how you glance over the advice you are given because of the so called "hate" you receive. I hope you all the best with whatever breeder you do choose to go with :).
I still haven't seen any pics of the hermie as proof. Yeah...I'm just going to check this guy off as someone looking for free beans or some kind of handout from the breeder.
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It's funny how the dumbest person in the room is usually the loudest... Go buy some Barney's Farm and call it a day.
Dumb for saying what I experienced and if people troll I'll stand my ground,if I said I had a Hermie from Humboldt people wouldn't have said anything but because their tongues are so far up bodhis strains they go all bitchy like yourself, I've tried Barney's farm i didn't get a Hermie as it goes but the strain was like most of the seed banks and Just watered down genetics
I still haven't seen any pics of the hermie as proof. Yeah...I'm just going to check this guy off as someone looking for free beans or some kind out handout from the breeder.

Wtf you on about proof,why would I make up something that i know won't be popular, and yeah saying I'm not happy with Bodhi ssdd is gonna get me a free pack FFS,listen to yourself, I have no reason to lie now jog on


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I got 2 wedding cake BX1 in flower,both are putting out balls & hairs..
I going to try and knock the balls off,and let them keep growing..as long as it don't get out of hand.
Sorry to hear that bro I hope it's not as bad as mine lol
Live and let live. 5 years ago I got ace of spades and plushberry from TGA genetics, the ace of spades had a few nanner exposing females, (out of 2 packs) but they rooted 3 days after cloning, which beats any id had to clone at the time (some taking weeks). I spent nearly a grand getting the ace of spades and the plushberry recently just to get the lady (or males) who produced sweet sap, literally dripping off the sides of the stems, and on the Bud's. I've never seen that, since, and you cannot beat the terps on that black cherry phenotype, it oozes from the plants, it's worth herms every once in a while if you find the keeper. All cannabis evolved with that trait, hybrids are just attempts to produce something unique, so it's likely ol' Mary is going to disappoint us every few packs, live and learn. What's odd is that the best overall breeders tend to be commercial, at least in my experience, like Nirvana(Dutch) and Ace(Spanish) have had better germ. Rates and fewer herms than most I've tried "breeders" I've spent my hard earned cash on. Some are worth the investment, and the sea is so vast to draw from, it's not worth wasting effort to draw attention to a crowd. I was called silly for saying similar things a few years back, best to say it(what needs to be said) and move on.
Grew out a dank Zappa and it hermied on me. The weed is fire tho. I grew a s1 purple urkle without a single nanner and some other nice plants under the same conditions without any herms. It happens even in optimal conditions. Just part of it. I'm currently on day 23 of thunderwookie that's a gargantuan for its age. I'm pretty sure it's a male tho. Bodhi has pretty plants irregardless that grow vigorously in my room. Some strains just prefer the outdoors.
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Yeah mate I guess I just had a bum pack I like the blueberry hashplant some of the densest nugs I've grown, Like i stated earlier I'm not calling Bodhi strains shit as a whole but the sunshine daydream i was terribly let down with, I don't have a big set up so all this sexing and screwing around to end with ounces of seeded weed before Christmas and only 2 females in a pack of seed's that cost 70 quid us enough for any man to loose faith in a breeder, it's a pity too many people get but hurt because my experience didn't match theirs and automatically gives them the right to get bitchy and assume i have been growing 2 minute's lol
Hey man, I understand. I too run a very small grow. Currently only running 2- 3x3 tents. Space and time is at a premium. I have had a similar experiance with a well known breeder who people says walk on water and can do no wrong. I will never buy seeds from this breeder again. Had to go out of town for 2 weeks for work. Had a newby watching the crop. Came back to a hermied so called feminised Northern Light #5. Ruined the whole grow. Every thing loaded with seed. Also another reason I will never use so called feminised seed from anyone. This breeder is dead to me. Yet there are 1000's of posts and pictures on forums of great plants being grown from this breeder. But there are certain breeders I have never had a problem from ie Bohdi, Karma, Cannaventure, Connoiseur Genetics to name a few. But sometimes I wonder when you order seeds from some of these seedbanks if they just do not throw some seeds in a package and mail them out. Especially when all of a sudden they have strains no one else sells. It would not surprise me if this happens. Also at times a bad batch of seeds may get released. Shit happens. In my experiance though with Bohdi, Have not had it happen to me.
I did have one Thunder Wookie herm wildly soon after placing in flower tent. It was a full tilt 50/50 herm. The herb was decent but not as impressive compared to Space Monkey with the same father. The one I flowered through smelled strongly like shit while flowering and was overwhelming! At chop the shit smell dissipated immediately. Quite potent and skunky fuel taste after that. Friends liked it well.

Many of the hotter strains have a hermie mom somewhere in their ancestors and that trait may show up at any time in the progeny. This is a fact and I accept that with poly-hybreeds there will be a hermie from time to time and some strains are more susceptible. I even have seeds from projects that well known breeders have dropped because of hermies or hermies of a parent. They did not consider the cause to be grower error at all. Limited testing may not even expose that trait. I do have IBLs and simple hybrid strains that I never had a hermie in many runs in years and herms will appear in other strains flowered the same time and of course same conditions.

Reporting hermies should be accepted the same as reporting great terps or bad stretch or dense buds or anything else relevant to the plant. In the end I choose to use Bodhi because, well......FIRE! His rep speaks for itself. Hermies are second nature to cannabis and a near natural state for some. Unnecessary bashing of very solid reputation breeders is also bullshit and makes one appear a bit stupid.
...But sometimes I wonder when you order seeds from some of these seedbanks if they just do not throw some seeds in a package and mail them out. Especially when all of a sudden they have strains no one else sells. It would not surprise me if this happens...

While this is certainly a possibility, I highly doubt it's happening if you're purchasing beans from a reputable source. If a breeder found out a seedbank was selling knockoffs, they would quickly stop working with them. No breeder wants shitty impostor beans being passed around as their hard worked stock. For this reason and fwiw, I also don't think freebies are old stock, failed projects, or anything like that. Freebies are a great way for a breeder to get their work into the hands of new customers. It would be really stupid for someone breeding beans to step all over their brand like that, or allow seedbanks to do it. Having strains that no one else sells is also a strong business stance. For all we know, seedbanks are able to purchase exclusivity for particular strains for a given amount of time. Some seedbanks may have closer relationships with different breeders. Who knows. It's just always better to assume positive intent. Word of mouth is way too important here, and the banks and breeders that have been around for while know that. Just my .02 though
Hey man, I understand. I too run a very small grow. Currently only running 2- 3x3 tents. Space and time is at a premium. I have had a similar experiance with a well known breeder who people says walk on water and can do no wrong. I will never buy seeds from this breeder again. Had to go out of town for 2 weeks for work. Had a newby watching the crop. Came back to a hermied so called feminised Northern Light #5. Ruined the whole grow. Every thing loaded with seed. Also another reason I will never use so called feminised seed from anyone. This breeder is dead to me. Yet there are 1000's of posts and pictures on forums of great plants being grown from this breeder. But there are certain breeders I have never had a problem from ie Bohdi, Karma, Cannaventure, Connoiseur Genetics to name a few. But sometimes I wonder when you order seeds from some of these seedbanks if they just do not throw some seeds in a package and mail them out. Especially when all of a sudden they have strains no one else sells. It would not surprise me if this happens. Also at times a bad batch of seeds may get released. Shit happens. In my experiance though with Bohdi, Have not had it happen to me.
Man that's shit news, I feel your pain lol, some people are just plain assholes and because your experience don't match up with theirs I am conspiring against Bodhi seeds and been accused of being a seed bank spreading propaganda, fucking idiot's lol
While this is certainly a possibility, I highly doubt it's happening if you're purchasing beans from a reputable source. If a breeder found out a seedbank was selling knockoffs, they would quickly stop working with them. No breeder wants shitty impostor beans being passed around as their hard worked stock. For this reason and fwiw, I also don't think freebies are old stock, failed projects, or anything like that. Freebies are a great way for a breeder to get their work into the hands of new customers. It would be really stupid for someone breeding beans to step all over their brand like that, or allow seedbanks to do it. Having strains that no one else sells is also a strong business stance. For all we know, seedbanks are able to purchase exclusivity for particular strains for a given amount of time. Some seedbanks may have closer relationships with different breeders. Who knows. It's just always better to assume positive intent. Word of mouth is way too important here, and the banks and breeders that have been around for while know that. Just my .02 though
I got a skiggoh
Grew out a dank Zappa and it hermied on me. The weed is fire tho. I grew a s1 purple urkle without a single nanner and some other nice plants under the same conditions without any herms. It happens even in optimal conditions. Just part of it. I'm currently on day 23 of thunderwookie that's a gargantuan for its age. I'm pretty sure it's a male tho. Bodhi has pretty plants irregardless that grow vigorously in my room. Some strains just prefer the outdoors.[/QUOTE
Oh careful saying that dank Zappa Hermied mate you'll be called a dickhead or accused of a start up seed bank trying to spread propaganda or be made out to be a amateur lol I've had all 3 and not 1 of these experts can Give me a logical reason why 2 strains off the Same breeder planted the same time same soil and Only the SSDD Hermied twice on 1 pheno once on a different pheno apart from 1 person who said that maybe SSDD don't Like indoors or my set up is too intense Which i doubt as I'm using 35w per sq ft of LED osram citizens mix