Won't use bodhi again worst Hermies in 10 Bodhi

2017 was a terrible Bodhi year for me i'll admit it. Dream Beaver all males, Space Monkey 8/12 germ rate and only 5 broke surface, all males, then 5/11 germ rate on Goji OG and finally i got 3 absolutely beautiful females. If that was my first go at Bodhi's gear i'd be pretty discouraged about his gear myself cant lie but ive supported him for a while now and know that male/female ratios are luck of the draw however a dialed veg environment will only benefit you. Goji remains one of the best strains i've grown and smoked its too bad i had to trash the 3 i got this last run. I had 2 Goji keepers from my first run of it that i havnt had in about 2 years and people still ask about my #3 pheno

Pictured is my 2 keepers dried n cured ... winners in bodhi gear
Same here mate shite ratios on the sunny d i know that much, I have 6 blueberry hashplant left so I can't comment on them I've had 2 females from 5 so far
I have grown easily over 15 full packs of bodhi including ssdd, I have from my recollection one hermie and it was from a freebie pack probably why he wasn't selling it.

This is 100% either grower error or fake seeds, I know how much testing bodhi does with his beans because I am currently testing some. I have grown a lot of companies and a lot of full packs and bodhi is the best "pollen chucker" type of breeder that I have ever run that man has an eye for males.
Fake seeds then mate mine didn't even look Like sunny D and more like green crack
Some people will not post hermie plants,just to protect they favored breeder...
It's all a toss up.

@Jay7t5 as long as you know what's going on,that's all that matters..

Shit one of my mother milks micro seeded itself,back in the day.
Cheers mate that's true
Wtf is wrong with people on here, everyone is a judgemental ass just because I happened to say I am pissed off at Bodhi seeds for the giving me 7 males 2 females both different phenotypes both Hermies whilst the other Bodhi strain didn't Hermie and it's in the same frigging grow room grown in subcools organic soil my temps are 78 day 68 night humidity 40/60 i use fans filters wtf else can someone do to screw it up using Water??
don't u call them shills on that side of pond,lol but pretty rare u see any bad about bodhi
don't u call them shills on that side of pond,lol but pretty rare u see any bad about bodhi
And that's my point mate I'm shocked, I got on the Bodhi bandwagon and heard good things about it so went for 2 strains, never again tho lol
To the ones that are making out I'm conspiring against Bodhi seeds I can guarantee you I'm Like you Just your average xnoker
Multiple thousand plus page threads prove that you are wrong. End of story.
Ok thanks for your input although I won't take it on board and as useless as a chocolate teapot Cause i know FACT my set up is dialled in the soil is Pukka and so are the other genetics are loving my supersoil so them thousands of pages has Just gained a few bad experiences with Bodhi seeds not only for Hermies but for male to female ratio Not just me saying that, so you carry on buying sunny D and remember when you plant that seed it probably won't be a female or a Hermie,2 different phenotypes of the same strain and the other Bodhi strain blueberry hashplant didn't Hermie on me because my set up is bang on and so is the soil,FACT, I have taken cutting's from the Hermies flowered them and it done it again so screw Bodhi
Your experiences don't match the experience of many others which is why people are coming off judgmental. Like another poster said, I pretty much blame myself whenever I have a hermie issue and I have had plenty of instances where one plant hermed while others did not in the same environment. That doesn't mean the environment wasn't the cause. In one such case I found a tiny light leak.

But it is impossible for an observant gardener to get to the end at harvest and find buds full of seed and be surprised by it. That's a far cry from missing a nanner on a lower nug.

For me personally, I will support Bodhi because of how he treats people and his general attitude toward his gear and people working with it. He gets it that nobody owns the genetics but the plants themselves.
To the ones that are making out I'm conspiring against Bodhi seeds I can guarantee you I'm Like you Just your average xnoker

Ok thanks for your input although I won't take it on board and as useless as a chocolate teapot Cause i know FACT my set up is dialled in the soil is Pukka and so are the other genetics are loving my supersoil so them thousands of pages has Just gained a few bad experiences with Bodhi seeds not only for Hermies but for male to female ratio Not just me saying that, so you carry on buying sunny D and remember when you plant that seed it probably won't be a female or a Hermie,2 different phenotypes of the same strain and the other Bodhi strain blueberry hashplant didn't Hermie on me because my set up is bang on and so is the soil,FACT, I have taken cutting's from the Hermies flowered them and it done it again so screw Bodhi

Just finished 2 ssdd absolutely stinks to high heaven nice yield overall my new fav plant to grow...did get 2 naners on one but im 99% sure its down to mad temp swings (+10degrees)..light leaks...or overdooing budhas tree lol 100% will run again will try to make a journal in new year
Just finished 2 ssdd absolutely stinks to high heaven nice yield overall my new fav plant to grow...did get 2 naners on one but im 99% sure its down to mad temp swings (+10degrees)..light leaks...or overdooing budhas tree lol 100% will run again will try to make a journal in new year
Mine don't even stink that much tbh it's just ok, plenty of frost though shame about the frigging seeds lol
Your experiences don't match the experience of many others which is why people are coming off judgmental. Like another poster said, I pretty much blame myself whenever I have a hermie issue and I have had plenty of instances where one plant hermed while others did not in the same environment. That doesn't mean the environment wasn't the cause. In one such case I found a tiny light leak.

But it is impossible for an observant gardener to get to the end at harvest and find buds full of seed and be surprised by it. That's a far cry from missing a nanner on a lower nug.

For me personally, I will support Bodhi because of how he treats people and his general attitude toward his gear and people working with it. He gets it that nobody owns the genetics but the plants themselves.
If i could I'd give everyone here a cutting just to prove me wrong or I'll prove I'm right but Like i said grown 1 pheno twice had seeds grew another pheno once more same thing happened, but my other Bodhi strain blueberry hashplants are Nice no problems
If i could I'd give everyone here a cutting just to prove me wrong or I'll prove I'm right but Like i said grown 1 pheno twice had seeds grew another pheno once more same thing happened, but my other Bodhi strain blueberry hashplants are Nice no problems
Yea I am not doubting your experiences at all and I have sworn off other breeders having similar experiences so I get it.
Yeah out of hundreds of crosses some won't work out. The number not working out for Bodhi easily less than 1%.
40ampstofreedom that's not what you said a few messages ago you said i was out right wrong and there's thousands of other pages saying I'm wrong, I am the 1% that you Now agree on,my pack of sunny D is Just a bum pack 7 males ffs and 2 phenos 2 Hermies is bad by anyone's standards lol
Yeah you are wrong. Bodhi is great shit period there is no question. That is what you are wrong about. I don't know what goes on in your room so pointless to comment on that.
Yeah you are wrong. Bodhi is great shit period there is no question. That is what you are wrong about. I don't know what goes on in your room so pointless to comment on that.
I didn't even say that his strains were shit, I suggest you read the whole post before commenting crap next time, I stated that the pack of sunny D i had were shit and that's a fact you are not in my position, I have 4 Oz's of seeded weed and 4 months of sexing plants and flowering them,7 males and 2 Hermies is shit no matter what breeder's name is on the things,if you don't have any constructive criticism to leave dont bother speaking Cause you wasting my time writing