Wonders Medical Grow: Round 2


Well-Known Member
Check the trichs before you panic, see what they say.
trichs should def let u know or at least gauge when things should b done.
So, I had a little bud that I cut earlier today and I got it under the magnifier. Trichs were almost completely amber. I have no idea why, except that something strange happened. I also notice a few bananas so it had hermied. Not very many only a few sets. I ended up chopping her, to reduce risk, but all in all it i looking very nice.

Thanks for the tips. I will take some pics of the finished product....


Well-Known Member
Thanks Raider.

So my Purple Widow, the hairs are almost all brown on every bud already. How could it be done already? Not sure what to do........ Any ideas?
Damn bro, I didin't stop by yesterday to see this post. My hairs on the pk turned brown atleast 3 weeks before the trichs were ready. Don't let that be your gauge. It sounds like you checked you trichs though, so wow that was quick. One more thing, I thought my plants had hermied because the calyxses were so swollen. I don't know if that is what you were seeing or not. I was very releived to find mine was ok. I guess at the end the calyxes will swell up and sometimes will look like seed pods or the strart of flower bloom.

Anyway, you will know if they hermied, because there will be pollin those bananas if they are indeed bananas. If the trichomes were all over 50% amber than they were ready though. Soundss like you'll be doing some trimmin now..stinky stinky lol. Post a few of the trimmin session if you can. I know it is a pian to take off the gloves and try not get the camera sticky. lol but you can do it..:lol:


Well-Known Member
Damn bro, I didin't stop by yesterday to see this post. My hairs on the pk turned brown atleast 3 weeks before the trichs were ready. Don't let that be your gauge. It sounds like you checked you trichs though, so wow that was quick. One more thing, I thought my plants had hermied because the calyxses were so swollen. I don't know if that is what you were seeing or not. I was very releived to find mine was ok. I guess at the end the calyxes will swell up and sometimes will look like seed pods or the strart of flower bloom.

Anyway, you will know if they hermied, because there will be pollin those bananas if they are indeed bananas. If the trichomes were all over 50% amber than they were ready though. Soundss like you'll be doing some trimmin now..stinky stinky lol. Post a few of the trimmin session if you can. I know it is a pian to take off the gloves and try not get the camera sticky. lol but you can do it..:lol:
Hey thanks for your input Raider. I got some pics I will post. Nice rack full of purple. Probably only an ounce or two, but it sure is pretty. Trichs were almost completely amber. 95%.

Damn annoying bannas!!!!

Sorry to hear about that man...
Its all good. Just another learning experience. Hope all is well in your world. Your sneaky..........


Well-Known Member
Theloadeddragon is no longer with us. Will not be the same. Guess we will all have to follow on the other site. FDD, fuck him..... I wish I could only hear the truth. TLD has helped from level 1 and I can't even evaulate how much I have learned from him. Have some company in town so I probably won't be active until Sunday when they are gone.


Well-Known Member
Theloadeddragon is no longer with us. Will not be the same. Guess we will all have to follow on the other site. FDD, fuck him..... I wish I could only hear the truth. TLD has helped from level 1 and I can't even evaulate how much I have learned from him. Have some company in town so I probably won't be active until Sunday when they are gone.
Hey brother, I agree. TLD helped me a lot too. I actually hooked up with him over there and he stills checks in on you. He said this:
"Oh and please tell WonderBlunder (if he doesn't read this) that the ambering of the trichomes was due to succesful pollenation. When Trichs stop developing the begin to degrade and turn amber, thus the energy of the plant being diverted to perservative resins etc. to producing healthy seeds
the bannanas did open.... sorry to bear bad news? Tell him Love from me and thanks for the support! "


Well-Known Member
yea rough shit if u check on TLDs indoor page his wife posted shit about wat happened with TLD and FDD and why he banned him. drama is lame as shit. he def did check in on everyones grows and helped out.

but anyways wonder hope ur harvest when well. are all the trichs amber or still got sum milky white left?


Well-Known Member
yea rough shit if u check on TLDs indoor page his wife posted shit about wat happened with TLD and FDD and why he banned him. drama is lame as shit. he def did check in on everyones grows and helped out.

but anyways wonder hope ur harvest when well. are all the trichs amber or still got sum milky white left?
people of great personalities clash sometimes... :x

I feel ya on the bananas tho wb. I had some bananas pop and me and give me some herm beans. how bad were they pollinated tho?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the comments. Things around here are moving. Plants are growing. I am ready to start the next round. I have 1 or so more feedings and then the flush will begin on the rest of the harvest. The Veg room is getting overful, which means I need to figure out the next run. I have a few Purple Urkels, that I put into flower a few weeks ago. Have a lot of thinking and figuring to do.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all of the comments. Things around here are moving. Plants are growing. I am ready to start the next round. I have 1 or so more feedings and then the flush will begin on the rest of the harvest. The Veg room is getting overful, which means I need to figure out the next run. I have a few Purple Urkels, that I put into flower a few weeks ago. Have a lot of thinking and figuring to do.

Isn't it crazy how fast the veg room can get crowded? That is exactly what happened to me, I ran out of room in the veg room and had to scrable to get the flower room all set up. I am gonna try vegging for a little less time this round. Sounds like you have a hand full right now. I am probably going to transfer clones into coco today. I was getting used to only having to water ever other day, but not any more. lol So when are you cutting the rest of the flowering ladies?


Well-Known Member
Sometime soon raider, Not sure. I ended up skipping the feeding and flushed, so probably soon. Veg room is wild, Think I am going to veg out the next run under the HIDs to get them bigger. 15 strains, and I can't bear to part with any just yet.


Well-Known Member
Whats up wonder? Just so you know, I got my update up with the rebuilt room, Going around and telling the usuals, cause I busted my ass on this one. Check it out and let me know what you think.


Active Member
i'm sure when you start harvesting you'll keep us updated. cant wait. on the bright side i only have 4 weeks left on my trainwreck and we made the switch on the same day.


Well-Known Member
Sometime soon raider, Not sure. I ended up skipping the feeding and flushed, so probably soon. Veg room is wild, Think I am going to veg out the next run under the HIDs to get them bigger. 15 strains, and I can't bear to part with any just yet.
15 strains?! Wow, you are busy. I understand the attchment to to a good strain though :)
Man I love big sky's avatar..that is ana amazing boody.


Active Member
thanks man. she was a groupie for this band Dreaded Knuckles. the music kicked ass but not as much as the girls. this girl had tats all over her chest, arms, legs and every other place. she sure did like her photo taken 2. what a night-week that was.